[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 25, Volume 1]
[Revised as of April 1, 2005]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 25CFR212]

[Page 660-661]
                            TITLE 25--INDIANS
                     Subpart B_How To Acquire Leases
Sec.  212.20  Leasing procedures.

    (a) Application for leases shall be made to the superintendent 
having jurisdiction over the lands.
    (b) Indian mineral owners may request the Secretary to prepare, 
advertise and negotiate mineral leases on their behalf. Leases for 
minerals shall be advertised for bids as prescribed in this section 
unless one or more of the Indian mineral owners of a tract sought for 
lease request the Secretary to negotiate for a lease on their behalf 
without advertising. Unless the Secretary decides that negotiation of a 
mineral lease is in the best interests of the Indian mineral owners, he 
shall use the following procedure for leasing:
    (1) Leases shall be advertised to receive optimum competition for 
bonus consideration, under sealed bid, oral auction, or a combination of 
both. Notice of such advertisement shall be published in at least one 
local newspaper and in one trade publication at least thirty (30) days 
in advance of sale. If applicable, such notice must identify the 
reservation within which the tracts to be leased are found. No specific 
description of the tracts to be leased need be published. Specific 
description of such tracts shall be available at the office of the 
superintendent and/or area director upon request. The complete text of 
the advertisement, including a specific description, shall be mailed to 
each person listed on the appropriate agency or area mailing list. 
Individuals and companies interested in receiving advertisements on 
lease sales should send their mailing information to the appropriate 
agency or area office for future reference.
    (2) The advertisement shall offer the tracts to a responsible bidder 
offering the highest bonus. The Secretary shall establish the rental and 
royalty rates which shall be stated in the advertisement and will not be 
subject to negotiation. The advertisement shall provide that the 
Secretary reserves the right to reject any or all bids, and that 
acceptance of the lease bid by or on behalf of the Indian mineral owner 
is required. The requirements under Sec.  212.21 are applicable to the 
acceptance of a lease bid.
    (3) Each sealed bid must be accompanied by a cashier's check, 
certified check or postal money order, or any combination thereof, 
payable to the payee designated in the advertisement, in an amount not 
less than 25 percent of the bonus bid, which shall be returned if that 
bid is not accepted.
    (4) A successful oral auction bidder will be allowed five (5) 
working days to remit the required 25 percent deposit of the bonus bid.
    (5) A successful bidder shall, within thirty (30) days after 
notification of the bid award, remit to the Secretary the balance of the 
bonus, the first year's rental, a $75 filing fee, its prorated share of 
the advertising costs as determined by the Bureau of Indian Affairs, and 
file with the Secretary all required bonds. The successful bidder shall 
also file the lease in completed form, signed by the Indian mineral 
owner(s), at that time. However, for good reasons, the Secretary may 
grant extensions of time in thirty (30) day increments for filing of the 
lease and all required bonds, provided that additional extension 
requests are submitted and approved prior to the expiration of the 
original thirty (30) days or the previously granted extension. Failure 
on the part of the bidder to take all reasonable actions necessary to 
comply with the foregoing shall result in forfeiture of the required 
payment of 25 percent of any bonus bid for the use and benefit of the 
Indian mineral owner.
    (6) If no satisfactory bid is received, or if the accepted bidder 
fails to complete all requirements necessary for approval of the lease, 
or if the Secretary determines that it is not in the best interest of 
the Indian mineral owner to accept any of the bids the Secretary may re-
advertise the tract for sale, or subject to the consent of

[[Page 661]]

the Indian mineral owner, a lease may be let through private 
    (c) The Secretary shall advise the Indian mineral owner of the 
results of the bidding, and shall not approve the lease until the 
consent of the Indian mineral owner has been obtained. The requirements 
under Sec.  212.21 are applicable to the approval of a mineral lease.