[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 25, Volume 1]
[Revised as of April 1, 2005]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 25CFR212]

[Page 656-657]
                            TITLE 25--INDIANS
                            Subpart A_General
Sec.  212.1  Purpose and scope.

                            Subpart A_General

212.1 Purpose and scope.
212.2 Information collection.
212.3 Definitions.
212.4 Authority and responsibility of the Bureau of Land Management 
212.5 Authority and responsibility of the Office of Surface Mining 
          Reclamation and Enforcement (OSM).
212.6 Authority and responsibility of the Minerals Management Service 
212.7 Environmental studies.
212.8 Government employees cannot acquire leases.

                     Subpart B_How To Acquire Leases

212.20 Leasing procedures.
212.21 Execution of leases.
212.22 Leases for subsurface storage of oil or gas.

[[Page 657]]

212.23 Corporate qualifications and requests for information.
212.24 Bonds.
212.25 Acreage limitation.
212.26 [Reserved]
212.27 Duration of leases.
212.28 Unitization and communitization agreements, and well spacing.
212.29 [Reserved]
212.30 Removal of restrictions.
212.31-212.32 [Reserved]
212.33 Terms applying after relinquishment.
212.34 Individual tribal assignments excluded.

         Subpart C_Rents, Royalties, Cancellations, and Appeals

212.40 Manner of payments.
212.41 Rentals and production royalty on oil and gas leases.
212.42 Annual rentals and expenditures for development on leases other 
          than oil and gas, and geothermal resources.
212.43 Royalty rates for minerals other than oil and gas.
212.44 Suspension of operations.
212.45 [Reserved]
212.46 Inspection of premises, books and accounts.
212.47 Diligence, drainage and prevention of waste.
212.48 Permission to start operations.
212.49 Restrictions on operations.
212.50 [Reserved]
212.51 Surrender of leases.
212.52 Fees.
212.53 Assignments, overriding royalties, and operating agreements.
212.54 Lease or permit cancellation; Bureau of Indian Affairs notice of 
212.55 Penalties.
212.56 Geological and geophysical permits.
212.57 Forms.
212.58 Appeals.

    Authority: Act of March 3, 1909, (35 Stat. 783; 25 U.S.C. 396 (as 
amended)): Act of May 11, 1938, (Sec. 2, 52 Stat. 347; 25 U.S.C. 396 b-
g: Act of August 1, 1956, (70 Stat. 774)); and 25 U.S.C. 2 and 9.

    Source: 61 FR 35661, July 8, 1996, unless otherwise noted.

    (a) The regulations in this part govern leases for the development 
of individual Indian oil and gas, geothermal and solid mineral 
resources. These regulations are applicable to lands or interests in 
lands the title to which is held, for any individual Indian, in trust by 
the United States or is subject to restriction against alienation 
imposed by the United States. These regulations are intended to ensure 
that Indian mineral owners desiring to have their resources developed 
are assured that they will be developed in a manner that maximizes their 
best economic interests and minimizes any adverse environmental impacts 
or cultural impacts resulting from such development.
    (b) The regulations in this part shall be subject to amendment at 
any time by the Secretary of the Interior. No regulation that becomes 
effective after the date of approval of any lease or permit shall 
operate to affect the duration of the lease or permit, rate of royalty, 
rental, or acreage unless agreed to by all parties to the lease or 
    (c) Nothing in the regulations in this part is intended to prevent 
Indian tribes from exercising their lawful governmental authority to 
regulate the conduct of persons, businesses, operations or mining within 
their territorial jurisdiction.
    (d) The regulations of the Bureau of Land Management, the Office of 
Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement, and the Minerals Management 
Service that are referenced in Sec. Sec.  212.4, 212.5, and 212.6 of 
this part are supplemental to these regulations, and apply to parties 
holding leases or permits for development of Indian mineral resources 
unless specifically stated otherwise in this part or in such other 
Federal regulations.
    (e) The regulations in this part do not apply to leasing and 
development governed by regulations in 25 CFR part 213 (Members of the 
Five Civilized Tribes of Oklahoma), 226 (Osage), or 227 (Wind River 