[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 25, Volume 1]
[Revised as of April 1, 2005]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 25CFR90.43]

[Page 296]
                            TITLE 25--INDIANS
Sec.  90.43  Canvass of election returns.

    (a) Immediately after the polls are closed at 8 p.m., the counting 
of the ballots shall commence. The supervisor and not less than two 
judges shall remain continuously in the room until the ballots are 
finally counted. One or more judges shall act as official counters and 
two or more clerks shall record the value of each vote and shall 
comprise a vote tallying team. The vote shall be recorded on two tally 
sheets by each team of judges and clerks under the name of each 
candidate for whom the voter designated his choice. The count shall 
continue until all votes have been recorded. The duties of the remaining 
officials of the election board will be to assist in conducting the 
election. After the vote of each ballot is recorded, the ballot shall be 
pierced by needle and string and after the ballots have been so counted, 
the ends of the string shall be tied together. After all other ballots 
have been counted, the sealed inner envelopes containing the absentee 
ballots shall be opened and all ballots found to be valid shall be 
counted and treated in the same manner as other valid ballots. All 
ballots and mutilated ballots; registration lists of voters, both 
absentee and those appearing at the poll; all tally sheets; and all 
other election materials shall be placed in the ballot box which shall 
be locked. The supervisor shall then deliver the locked ballot box and 
keys to same to the Superintendent, Osage Agency, and the box shall be 
retained in a safe place until opened by order of the supervisor or 
election board in the event a contest is filed. If no contest is filed, 
the ballots shall be destroyed 180 days after the election. No 
information concerning voting shall be posted or made public information 
until after 8 p.m.
    (b) Should any ballot be marked for more than one principal chief or 
assistant chief or for more than eight councilmen, only that section of 
the ballot wherein the error was made shall be declared void and the 
remaining section or sections shall be counted in the same manner as 
other ballots. Absentee ballots shall be declared void when items other 
than the ballot are enclosed in the inner envelope, the voter fails to 
sign the statement appearing on the outer envelope, and for failure to 
seal the inner envelope or enclose the inner envelope in the outer 
envelope. Votes cast for individuals whose names are not printed on the 
official ballot shall not be counted.

[32 FR 10254, July 12, 1967, as amended at 43 FR 8799, Mar. 3, 1978. 
Redesignated at 47 FR 13327, Mar. 30, 1982]

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