[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 25, Volume 1]
[Revised as of April 1, 2005]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 25CFR900]

[Page 1123-1125]
                            TITLE 25--INDIANS
ASSISTANCE ACT--Table of Contents
                         Subpart J_Construction
Sec.  900.131  What role does the Secretary play during the performance 
of a self-determination construction contract?

    (a) If the Indian tribe or tribal organization is contracting solely 
to perform construction management services either under this subpart or 
section 108 of the Act, the Secretary has the following 
    (1) The Secretary is responsible for the successful completion of 
the project in accordance with the approved contract documents. In 
fulfilling those responsibilities, the Secretary shall consult with the 
Indian tribe or tribal organization on a regular basis as agreed to by 
the parties to facilitate the exchange of information between the Indian 
tribe or tribal organization and Secretary;
    (2) The Secretary shall provide the Indian tribe or tribal 
organization with regular opportunities to review work produced to 
determine compliance with the following documents:
    (i) The POR, during the conduct of design phase activities. The 
Secretary shall provide the Indian tribe or tribal organization with an 
opportunity to review the project construction documents at the concept 
phase, the schematic phase, the design development phase, and the final 
construction documents phase, or as otherwise negotiated. Upon receipt 
of project construction documents for review, the Indian tribe or tribal 
organization shall not take more than 21 days to make available to the 
Secretary any comments or objections to the construction documents as 
submitted by the Secretary. Resolution of any comments or objections 
shall be in accordance with dispute resolution procedures as agreed to 
by the parties and contained in the contract; or
    (ii) The project construction documents, during conduct of the 
construction phase activities. The Indian tribe or tribal organization 
shall have the right to conduct monthly or critical milestone on-site 
monitoring visits or as negotiated with the Secretary;
    (b) If the Indian tribe or tribal organization is contracting to 
perform design and/or construction phase activities, the Secretary shall 
have the following responsibilities:
    (1) In carrying out the responsibilities of this section, and 
specifically in carrying out review, comment, and approval functions 
under this section, the Secretary shall provide for full tribal 
participation in the decision making process and shall honor tribal 
preferences and recommendations to the greatest extent feasible. This 
includes promptly notifying the Indian tribe or tribal organization of 
any concerns or issues in writing that may lead to disapproval, meeting 
with the Indian tribe or tribal organization to discuss these concerns 
and issues and to share relevant information and documents, and making a 
good faith effort to resolve all issues and concerns of the Indian tribe 
or tribal organization. The time allowed for Secretarial review, 
comment, and approval shall be no more than 21 days per review unless a 
different time period is negotiated and specified in individual 
contracts. The 21-day time period may be extended if the Indian tribe or 
tribal organization agrees to the extension in writing. Disagreements 
over the Secretary's decisions in carrying out these responsibilities 
shall be handled under subpart N governing contract disputes under the 
Contract Disputes Act.
    (2) To the extent the construction project is subject to NEPA or 
other environmental laws, the appropriate Secretary shall make the final 
determination under such laws. All other environmentally related 
functions are contractible.
    (3) If the Indian tribe or tribal organization conducts planning 
activities under this subpart, the Secretary shall review and approve 
final planning documents for the project to ensure compliance with 
applicable planning standards.
    (4) When a contract or portion of a contract is for project 
construction activities, the Secretary may rely on the Indian tribe or 
tribal organization's cost estimate or the Secretary may obtain an 
independent government cost estimate that is derived from the final 
project plans and specifications. The Secretary shall obtain the cost 
estimate, if any, within 90 days or less of

[[Page 1124]]

receiving the final plans and specifications from the Indian tribe or 
tribal organization and shall provide all supporting documentation of 
the independent cost estimate to the Indian tribe or tribal organization 
within the 90 day time limit.
    (5) If the contracted project involves design activities, the 
Secretary shall have the authority to review for general compliance with 
the contract requirements and provide written comments on the project 
plans and specifications only at the concept phase, the schematic phase, 
the design development phase and the final construction documents phase, 
and approve for general compliance with contract requirements the 
project plans and specifications only at the schematic phase and the 
final construction documents phase or as otherwise negotiated.
    (6) If the contracted project involves design activities, the 
Secretary reserves a royalty-free, nonexclusive, and irrevocable license 
to reproduce, publish or otherwise use, for Federal government purposes:
    (i) The copyright in any work developed under a contract or 
subcontract of this subpart; and
    (ii) Any rights of copyright to which an Indian tribe or tribal 
organization or a tribal subcontractor purchases ownership through this 
    (7) Changes that require an increase to the negotiated contract 
budget or an increase in the negotiated performance period or are a 
significant departure from the scope or objective of the project shall 
require approval of the Secretary.
    (8) Review and comment on specific shop drawings as negotiated and 
specified in individual contracts.
    (9) The Secretary may conduct monthly on-site monitoring visits, or 
alternatively if negotiated with the Indian tribe or tribal 
organization, critical milestone on-site monitoring visits.
    (10) The Secretary retains the right to conduct final project 
inspections jointly with the Indian tribe or tribal organization and to 
accept the building or facility. If the Secretary identifies problems 
during final project inspections the information shall be provide to the 
Indian tribe or tribal organization and shall be limited to items that 
are materially noncompliant.
    (11) The Secretary can require an Indian tribe or tribal 
organization to suspend work under a contract in accordance with this 
paragraph. The Secretary may suspend a contract for no more than 30 days 
unless the Indian tribe or tribal organization has failed to correct the 
reason(s) for the suspension or unless the cause of the suspension 
cannot be resolved through either the efforts of the Secretary or the 
Indian tribe or tribal organization.
    (i) The following are reasons the Secretary may suspend work under a 
self-determination contract for construction:
    (A) Differing site conditions encountered upon commencement of 
construction activities that impact health or safety concerns or shall 
require an increase in the negotiated project budget;
    (B) The Secretary discovers materially non-compliant work;
    (C) Funds allocated for the project that is the subject of this 
contract are rescinded by Congressional action; or
    (D) Other Congressional actions occur that materially affect the 
subject matter of the contract.
    (ii) If the Secretary wishes to suspend the work, the Secretary 
shall first provide written notice and an opportunity for the Indian 
tribe or tribal organization to correct the problem. The Secretary may 
direct the Indian tribe or tribal organization to suspend temporarily 
work under a contract only after providing a minimum of 5 working days' 
advance written notice to the Indian tribe or tribal organization 
describing the nature of the performance deficiencies or imminent 
safety, health or environmental issues which are the cause for 
suspending the work.
    (iii) The Indian tribe or tribal organization shall be compensated 
for reasonable costs, including but not limited to overhead costs, 
incurred due to any suspension of work that occurred through no fault of 
the Indian tribe or tribal organization.
    (iv) Disputes arising as a result of a suspension of the work by the 
Secretary shall be subject to the Contract Disputes Act or any other 

[[Page 1125]]

dispute resolution mechanism as negotiated between and agreed to by the 
parties and contained in the contract.
    (12) The Secretary can terminate the project for cause in the event 
non-compliant work is not corrected through the suspension process 
specified in paragraph (11) of this section.
    (13) The Secretary retains authority to terminate the project for 
convenience for the following reasons:
    (i) Termination for convenience is requested by the Indian tribe or 
tribal organization;
    (ii) Termination for convenience is requested by the Secretary and 
agreed to by the Indian tribe or tribal organization;
    (iii) Funds allocated for the project that is the subject of the 
contract are rescinded by Congressional action;
    (iv) Other Congressional actions take place that affect the subject 
matter of the contract;
    (v) If the Secretary terminates a self-determination construction 
contract for convenience, the Secretary shall provide the Indian tribe 
or tribal organization 21 days advance written notice of intent to 
terminate a contract for convenience; or
    (vi) The Indian tribe or tribal organization shall be compensated 
for reasonable costs incurred due to termination of the contract.