[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 25, Volume 1]
[Revised as of April 1, 2005]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 25CFR249]

[Page 749]
                            TITLE 25--INDIANS
                      Subpart A_General Provisions
Sec.  249.3  Identification cards.

    (a) The Commissioner of Indian Affairs shall arrange for the 
issuance of an appropriate identification card to any Indian entitled 
thereto as prima facie evidence that the authorized holder thereof is 
entitled to exercise the fishing rights secured by the treaty designated 
thereon. The Commissioner may cause a federal card to be issued for this 
purpose or may authorize the issuance of cards by proper tribal 
authorities: Provided, That any such tribal cards shall be countersigned 
by an authorized officer of the Bureau of Indian Affairs certifying that 
the person named on the card is a member of the tribe issuing such card 
and that said tribe is recognized by the Bureau of Indian Affairs as 
having fishing rights under the treaty specified on such card. Copies of 
the form of any identification card authorized pursuant to this section 
and a list of the authorized Bureau of Indian Affairs issuing or 
countersigning officials shall be furnished to the fisheries management 
and enforcement agencies of any State in which such fishing rights may 
be exercised.
    (b) No such card shall be issued to any Indian who is not on the 
official membership roll of the tribe which has been approved by the 
Secretary of the Interior. Provided, That until further notice, a 
temporary card may be issued to any member of a tribe not having an 
approved current membership roll who submits evidence of his/her 
entitlement thereto satisfactory to the issuing officer and, in the case 
of a tribally issued card, to the countersigning officer. Any Indian 
claiming to have been wrongfully denied a card may appeal the decision 
in accordance with part 2 of this chapter.
    (c) No person shall be issued an identification card on the basis of 
membership in more than one tribe at any one time.
    (d) Each card shall state the name, address, tribal affiliation and 
enrollment number (if any) of the holder, identify the treaty under 
which the holder is entitled to fishing rights, contain such additional 
personal identification data as is required on fishing licenses issued 
under the law of the State or States within which it is used, and be 
signed by the issuing officer and by the holder.
    (e) No charge or fee of any kind shall be imposed by the 
Commissioner of Indian Affairs for the issuance of an identification 
card hereunder: Provided, That this shall not prevent any Indian tribe 
from imposing any fee or tax which it may otherwise be authorized to 
impose upon the exercise of any tribal fishing right.
    (f) All cards issued by the Commisssioner of Indian Affairs pursuant 
to this part 249 shall be and remain the property of the United States 
and may be retaken by any Federal, State, or tribal enforcement officer 
from any unauthorized holder. Any card so retaken shall be immediately 
forwarded to the officer who issued it.
    (g) The failure of any person who claims to be entitled to the 
benefits of a treaty fishing right to have such a card in his immediate 
personal possession while fishing or engaging in other activity in the 
claimed exercise of such right to display it upon request to any 
Federal, State, or tribal enforcement officer shall be prima facie 
evidence that the person is not entitled to exercise an Indian fishing 
right under a treaty of the United States.
    (h) No person shall allow any use of his identification card by any 
other person.

(5 U.S.C. 301; R.S. 463 and 465)

[32 FR 10434, July 15, 1967, as amended at 46 FR 4873, Jan. 19, 1981. 
Redesignated at 47 FR 13327, Mar. 30, 1982, as amended at 48 FR 1052, 
Jan. 10, 1983]