[Code of Federal Regulations]

[Title 25, Volume 1]

[Revised as of April 1, 2005]

From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access

[CITE: 25CFR26.6]

[Page 118-119]


                            TITLE 25--INDIANS






                   Subpart B_Administrative Procedures


Sec.  26.6  Program services and client participation.

    (a) When a request is made for employment services, the applicant 

shall be offered assistance to assess his/her job skills and work 

experience and to relate these to available employment opportunities. In 

many cases, applicants for placement services will already possess 

training skills, and/or experience sufficient for entry into job 

placement. In other cases, applicants may be encouraged to consider 

further education or training options as a preliminary to permanent 

employment. In any case, vocational counseling appropriate to the 

individual situation shall be made available.

    (b) Services may be provided either with or without the expenditure 

of financial grants depending upon the type of service requested and the 

need for financial assistance. Funds shall not be provided to finance 

temporary employment except for the following:

    (1) High school students who are at least 17 years of age or college 

students participating in summer placement programs to gain work 

experience and temporary income may receive limited funding as needed to 

enable such persons to secure and hold summer jobs. This special service 

will not count against the number of services allowed under Sec.  


    (2) Persons who have moved to an off-reservation area for permanent 

employment, through services of the Employment Assistance program, may 

at times be required to accept temporary employment until permanent 

employment is available. Such persons may receive funds as needed within 

established limitations and justifiable circumstances, as allowed by the 

Area Director, until permanent employment is found and/or the need is 


    (c) Permanent employment shall normally be defined as employment 

which is generally anticipated to be of one year or more in duration. 

Employment in the construction or other trades where moving from one job 

to another is generally required of persons engaged in such occupations 

shall be considered as permanent employment.

    (d) In those cases where applicants apply and are selected for 

employment services in off-reservation urban locations, a variety of 

services may be provided, based upon individual client needs and 

requests for assistance. These may include advice in rental of housing, 

shopping, money management, community adjustment, counseling, applying 

for and seeking employment, and emergency financial assistance for up to 

six months from the date of entry into this program. Continuing non-

financial assistance, as needed, shall remain indefinitely available.

    (e) Assistance as needed may be provided to enable clients who move 

for employment to an off-reservation urban or non-urban area to accept a

[[Page 119]]

specific job offer. In such cases, however, transportation or financial 

assistance may be provided only after confirmation has been obtained 

from the employer, giving details of employment, including the 


    (1) Job title,

    (2) Beginning wage,

    (3) Date to start work,

    (4) First payday,

    (5) First full payday, and

    (6) A statement that the job is anticipated to be of a permanent 
