Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
Printable Version

Geographic Information

The Geographic Information Program office at the Research and Innovative Technology Administration’s (RITA) Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) is a national resource for transportation spatial data and analysis that utilizes Geographic Information Systems (GIS). GIS enhancement allows planners and others to visualize large quantities of transportation data, often rendering it more meaningful. GIS helps highlight the transportation system's reach, coverage, modal relationships, key corridors, and relationship to our nation's economic activity and environment.

Future Changes

Currently federal Web Mapping Services can be found at www.geodata.gov, however, plans are underway to introduce online Web tools for viewing and downloading NTAD, and a Mapping Center with DOT specific web mapping applications.


National Transportation Atlas Database (NTAD)
NTAD 2008 is complete and available for download only. You can also request an NTAD DVD through the BTS Bookstore. If you have any questions about the NTAD please call Mark Bradford at 202-366-6810.
