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pix Geophysics at the Institute of Geology, Mineralogy & Geophysics
Geophysics at the Institute of Geology, Mineralogy & Geophysics
SFB526 SFB526
E G E L A D O S   


Welcome to the homepage of the geophysics section of the Institute of Geology, Mineralogy, and Geophysics at the Ruhr-University Bochum.


Topicbild Research in Geophysics covers three main fields: Many of the individual research projects are part of the collaborative research centre (SFB 526) "Rheology of the Earth - from the upper crust to the subduction zone", which is an interdisciplinary scientific programme supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) and involving different departments of the Ruhr-University Bochum.
The current seismological research involves a field experiment in the southern Aegean Sea named EGELADOS as an acronym for Exploring the GEodynamics of subducted Lithosphere using an Amphibian Deployment of Seismographs. Egelados was one of the Gigants of the Greek mythology. He was buried by a huge rock by Athene and still tries to struggel out from below. This is - according to mythology - the cause of earthquakes.

Studying Geophysics

Students interested in geophysics can enter either the Bachelor or Master programme of geosciences. Postgraduat Students can join our research teams as PhD students.

Symposium "Subduction Dynamics: Bridging the Scales"

The Collaborative Research Center 526 "Rheology of the Earth" organizes an international symposium titled "Subduction Dynamics: Bridging the Scales" to be held close to Bochum from

May, 29 to June 1, 2007.

For further information, registration and abstract submission, click here!

View and download:

Abstract Volume

Oral Program

List of Posters

Please note that not all information is available in English. A German page will be shown in that case.

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