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The Cancer Chromosome Aberration Project (CCAP)

What is CCAP?

The Cancer Chromosome Aberration Project (CCAP) is a CGAP Initiative designed to develop a set of "tools" to define and characterize the distinct chromosomal alterations that are associated with malignant transformation. Both the National Cancer Institute and the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) support the project.


Identifying chromosomal abnormalities can be useful to the clinician, enabling the diagnosis, classification, and treatment selection of a given cancer.

The Goals of CCAP

  • To integrate the cytogenetic (defined at the level of an entire chromosome) and physical (structural) maps of the human genome.
  • To generate a clone repository of genetically and physically mapped sequence ready DNA *BAC (bacterial artificial chromosome) clones at a resolution of 1-2 Mb across the human genome.
  • To develop a FISH-mapped BAC clone database to provide a platform for correlation with parallel databases of cancer-associated chromosome aberrations and clinical, histopathologic information.
  • To refine the descriptive nomenclature that defines karyotypic aberrations (insertions, amplifications, deletions, and translocations) in cancer cells. This refinement is designed to supplement and complement conventional descriptions of chromosomes based on "banding" patterns by integrating and formatting the three data streams of state-of-the-art cytogenetic analyses:

    • Spectral karyotyping (SKY)
    • Comparative genomic hybridization (CGH)
    • Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH).
* BAC clones provide valuable tools for mapping studies because they contain large inserts of human DNA and can be fluorescently labeled to allow localization of genes and identification of regions involved in cancer chromosomal aberrations.

Go to the BAC to Chromosome Map Viewer.

If you have any questions, comments, or need information about CGAP, please contact the NCI CGAP Help Desk.