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Codex Alimentarius
Codex Committee on Contaminants in Foods
Host Government: The Netherlands
The Codex Committee on Contaminants in Foods was established by the twenty-ninth Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission by splitting the Codex Committee on Food Additives and Contaminants into two committees. Its terms of reference are to establish or endorse permitted maximum levels (MLs) or guideline levels for contaminants and naturally occurring toxicants in food and feed; prepare priority lists of contaminants and naturally occurring toxicants for risk assessment by the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives; consider methods of analysis and sampling for the determination of contaminants and naturally occurring toxicants in food and feed; and consider and elaborate standards or codes of practice for related subjects.

The next meeting of the Committee is tentatively scheduled for April 2009 in the Netherlands.
The Committee is continuing work on:
  • Proposed Draft Revision of the Preamble of the GSCTF
  • Discussion paper on fumonisins
  • Discussion paper on benzene in soft drinks
  • Discussion paper on cyanogenic glycosides
  • Discussion paper on mycotoxins in sorghum
  • Discussion paper on ethyl carbamate in alcoholic beverages
New Work
  • Proposed Draft Maximum Levels for Total Aflatoxins in Brazil Nuts
  • Proposed Draft Code of Practice for the Prevention and Reduction of Ochratoxin A Contamination in Coffee


U.S. Delegate
Nega Beru, Ph.D.
Director, Office of Plant and Dairy Foods, (HFS-300)
Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition
Food and Drug Administration
5100 Paint Branch Parkway
College Park, MD 20740
Phone: (301) 436-1700
Fax: (301) 436-2651

Alternate Delegate
Kerry Dearfield, Ph.D.
Scientific Advisor for Risk Assessment
Office of Public Health Science
Food Safety and Inspection Service
U.S. Department of Agriculture
1400 Independence Ave. SW
Room 380 Aerospace Center
Washington, DC 20250
Phone: (202) 690-6451
Fax: (202) 690-6337

Current CCCF Documents Requesting Comments
CX or CL Subject Comments Due Send comments to:
None at this time      
Delegate's Report of the 2nd Session of the Committee held in The Hague, The Netherlands, Mar 31-Apr 4, 2008
Add your name to the mailing list of those interested in activities of the Contaminants in Foods Committee.

Last Modified: June 13, 2008



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