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Security Spotlight
Protecting Against Aircraft
Defending Against Adversaries
Preparedness and Response
Securing Materials
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Rulemaking Overview
Design Basis Threat Rulemaking
Physical Protection Rulemaking
New Reactor Rulemaking

Security Spotlight


The NRC requires nuclear power plants to protect against threats. These plants are some of the most fortified civilian facilities in the country. After 9/11, the NRC used its independent regulatory authority to order the nuclear industry to implement new defensive capabilities, more rigorous guard training and many other security enhancements. In response, the industry has met the increased requirements regardless of cost. The process of upgrading security continues.

  • Safety and Security

    The NRC requires that nuclear power plants be both safe and secure. Safety refers to operating the plant in a manner that protects the public and the environment. Security refers to protecting the plant—using people, equipment and fortifications—from intruders who wish to damage or destroy it in order to harm people and the environment.

security enhancements since 911

guard looking out from tower

“The NRC requires that nuclear power plants be both safe and secure.”


Layers of Defense

Protecting Against Aircraft

  • A combination of factors protect nuclear power plants from air attacks, including the fact they are robust structures of steel and concrete, and relatively small targets. Cooperation with other federal agencies also reduces the risk of an aircraft attack.

Defending Against Adversaries

  • There are many layers protecting a nuclear power plant from a ground or water attack, including well-trained and armed security officers, and defensive barriers. The NRC routinely tests the security of the plants through realistic exercises.

Securing Materials

  • Thousands of industrial and medical devices safely use small amounts of radioactive material to improve our quality of life. Some of these materials must be licensed and tracked to prevent them from being misused.

Strengthening Regulations

  • Enforcing regulations—also called rules—is how the NRC ensures the safety of the public and the environment. Three new or revised rules will further enhance the security of nuclear power plants.
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Wednesday, January 02, 2008