Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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U.S.-Mexico Top State Flows for Merchandise Trade by Truck: 1999

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(a) U.S. exports to Mexico by truck
Map a - U.S.-Mexico Top State Flows for Merchandise Trade by Truck, U.S. exports to Mexico: 1999. If you are a user with a disability and cannot view this image, please call 800-853-1351 or email answers@bts.gov for further assistance.

(b) Imports from Mexico to the United States by truck
Map b - U.S.-Mexico Top State Flows for Merchandise Trade by Truck, Imports from Mexico to the United States: 1999. If you are a user with a disability and cannot view this image, please call 800-853-1351 or email answers@bts.gov for further assistance.

U.S. state: For U.S. exports to Mexico, the U.S. state is based on the state of origin as reported on official U.S. trade documents, which typically refer to the state of origin where the goods were grown, manufactured, or otherwise produced. For U.S. imports from Mexico, the U.S. state of destination reflects the state of the importer of record.This state may not always represent the ultimate physical destination of shipments.

Mexican state: For U.S. exports to Mexico, the Mexican state of destination is the state where the ultimate consignee is located, and may not always be the state of final destination. For U.S. imports from Mexico, it is not possible to obtain the Mexican state of origin due to the existing filing requirements of trade documentation.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Transborder Surface Freight data, special tabulation, December 2000.