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Agricultural Research Service United States Department of Agriculture
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University Park PA 16802

The goal of this Research Program is to conduct research leading to the development of land, water, plant, and animal management systems, which insure the profitability and sustainability of northeastern grazing and cropping enterprises while maintaining the quality of ground and surface waters. Additionally, this program seeks to elucidate the interactions among the physical, chemical, and biological mechanisms controlling the production of pastures and crops, as well as the degradation of water and soil resources at the source-area, farm, and watershed scales. Current research includes: 1) develop and evaluate technology for improving forage use in integrated cropping and grazing systems that reduce off-farm inputs of feed, fuel, and chemicals; 2) quantify the effects of land management on water quality and quantity; and 3) integrate plant production and resource management components into prototype systems for field testing. Research results provide the basic knowledge needed to: 1) implement economically and environmentally sound agricultural production systems in the northeastern U.S.; and 2) provide new or enhanced production, nutrient cycling, and transport models that extend beyond the region.

Last Modified: 10/24/2008
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