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UT Awarded $65M NSF Supercomputing Grant

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UT Wins $65M National Science Foundation Supercomputing Grant For Next-Generation Computing System

The Graduate School of Genome Science and Technology (GST), offered through The University of Tennessee (UT) and Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), is a unique, multidisciplinary program for full time graduate study culminating in an MS or PhD degree in the emerging field of functional genomics.

Originally conceived in 1965 as the "UT-Oak Ridge Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences", this collaborative program was reorganized in 1998 as the Graduate School of Genome Science and Technology to better focus on new developments in the biological and computational sciences stemming from genome sequencing efforts. The GST Graduate Program is designed to take advantage of the unique collaborative opportunity between The University of Tennessee and the National Lab, combining both academic and team-oriented approaches to large-scale research initiatives. Scientists from both campuses participate in teaching and are available to mentor students. Intercampus collaboration is encouraged and thesis and dissertation projects are often jointly mentored.

Researchers at the two campuses have expertise in and access to a wide range of research tools and facilities including:

The GST program provides a firm foundation in genetics, molecular and cellular biology, biochemistry, and bioinformatics, with specialty training in the application of these areas to functional genomics. Upon completion of the program, students are well-qualified to join biological research efforts in academia, government, and private industry.

Featured New Faculty Member
Dr. Elena Shpak
Plant Growth and Development
GST Research Areas
Genetics & Genomics
Genetics and
Structural Biology
Structural Biology
and Proteomics
Analytical Technologies
Computational Biology & Bioinformatics
Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
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