One Last Shopping Day Until Disaster Aid Deadline 

Release Date: December 13, 1999
Release Number: 1292-144

» More Information on North Carolina Hurricane Floyd & Irene

RALEIGH, N.C. -- HURRY. HURRY. There may be 12 shopping days left until Christmas, but there's only one day left for those who suffered losses from Hurricanes Floyd or Irene to apply for federal and state assistance. After 6 p.m. tomorrow - Dec. 14 - it'll be too late.

If the hurricanes damaged your property and you haven't yet registered for any type of disaster aid, call the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) registration number immediately: 1-800-462-9029. Individuals with speech or hearing impairments should call the TTY number, 1-800-462-7585. Those numbers are in operation from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. seven days a week.

"We would urge anyone who suffered losses from the two hurricanes to apply for aid," Federal Coordinating Officer Glenn C. Woodard said. "It only takes a few minutes to secure your rights to disaster assistance."

Assistance is available to any eligible resident of a disaster-declared county who suffered uninsured losses due to the hurricanes. Even if your property was insured, you should still apply for help to protect your rights. Your application for federal and state aid could pay off if hidden damages appear after you reach a settlement with your insurance company.

Programs available to applicants may include assistance for minimal home repairs; low-interest loans from the U.S. Small Business Association (SBA) for homeowners, renters or business owners; grants to fulfill immediate needs resulting from the disaster that cannot be met by other sources. Crisis counseling and disaster-related unemployment benefits may also be available to storm victims.

Don't determine your own eligibility. Get your applications in and let our disaster specialists decide your qualifications. You may not be aware of assistance you might be eligible to receive.

Last Modified: Thursday, 11-Dec-2003 13:06:01