Friends and Family Can Help Encourage Registrations 

Release Date: December 16, 1999
Release Number: 1292-147

» More Information on North Carolina Hurricane Floyd & Irene

RALEIGH, N.C. -- The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) announced a deadline extension this week to encourage any eligible residents who have yet to register for disaster aid to take advantage of the assistance and programs available.

People in need of help after Hurricanes Floyd and Irene may not be registering for federal/state aid for many reasons. Sometimes disaster victims simply do not believe they are eligible for help and exclude themselves from available programs. The options range from disaster housing assistance to disaster unemployment benefits.

Other people may not be aware of assistance available to them because they do not have access to traditional forms of media. Friends and relatives can help by spreading the word to those people who neither own televisions nor radios, have no access to newspapers, are non-English speakers, or who are otherwise isolated from news sources.

Disaster victims who are hesitant to register for assistance for personal reasons need to know that getting their name into the system does not obligate them to accept offered help. Applying for federal/state aid is a safety measure for anyone who may need extra support after other resources are exhausted. Even if the property was insured, it is still wise to register because sometimes hidden damages appear after the final insurance settlement.

The federal/state programs are intended to help citizens in times of need. When people apply for assistance, they are not taking a handout. Disaster recovery is a safety net for victims of natural disasters.

The new registration deadline is Tuesday, Jan. 18. Applicants should call 1-800-462-9029. Persons who are speech or hearing impaired and use special keyboard equipment should call TTY 1-800-462-7585. The lines are open 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily.

Last Modified: Thursday, 11-Dec-2003 12:51:35