FEMA For Kids - A Site Worth Visiting 

Release Date: July 25, 2003
Release Number: 1474-69

» More Information on West Virginia Severe Storms, Flooding and Landslides

Charleston, WV -- As West Virginians continue with the recovery process, many are vowing to be better prepared in case of future disasters. Even children can take an active role in disaster education and preparedness. The "FEMA for Kids" Web site is a great resource for young and old minds alike.

As youngsters log onto www.fema.gov/kids/ they are greeted by colorful graphics, stories, audio, fun facts and other child-attractive features geared to preschool through grade eight. Although it is designed to support classroom-wide use, the content allows most children in grades three and above to use the site without adult assistance. The site is interactive and children can submit jokes, feedback, poems, essays, and artwork to the site.

"The children of West Virginia are an important part of the disaster-recovery process," said Federal Coordinating Officer Louis Botta. "They are also an excellent motivator of parents, who need to know how they can protect their families and reduce the risk of disaster losses."

Young visitors to the site are also invited to become "Disaster Action Kids" by completing selected assignments, including games and quizzes. When they complete their tasks, the kids receive a certificate proclaiming them a "Disaster Action Kid."

Kids and their families can get helpful information on:

The informative Web site also includes many other computer links where youngsters can click-and-go for more information, fun games and disaster quizzes. Parents and teachers aren't left out as they can also log on, download valuable disaster information and be linked to many other valuable resources.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has a disaster information Web site just for kids. Parents and teachers as well are encouraged to log onto www.fema.gov/kids/ for more disaster facts and information.

Last Modified: Friday, 25-Jul-2003 09:12:58