Project Impact Crosses State Lines and FEMA Regions 

Release Date: May 18, 2000
Release Number: R3-00-Waverlyn

Photo of the cake from the Project Impact Signing Ceremony, May 18, 2000.

Photo of Riat Speaking at Long View.

SOUTH WAVERLY, Pa. -- Six communities in two states that make up the Waverly Valley Project Impact Community celebrated their accomplishments and future plans at a signing ceremony in the middle of a bridge over the Susquehanna River that connects New York and Pennsylvania.

It is the first Project Impact community to cross state lines and Federal Emergency Management Agency regions. The six municipalities - collectively referred to as "the Valley" - are Sayre, South Waverly, Athens Township and Athens Borough, Pennsylvania, and Waverly and Barton, New York.

FEMA Region III Director Rita A. Calvan joined her Region II counterpart, Lynn Canton, in signing the Memorandum of Agreement with representatives from the states of Pennsylvania and New York, county and local officials, and business and community partners.

Among signers of the agreement from FEMA Region III were David Smith, Director of the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency; Pennsylvania State Representative J. Scot Chadwick; Bradford County Commissioners John M, Sullivan and Janet Lewis, local officials and community and business leaders.

"It is a remarkable cooperation of federal, state, and local governments, among many, many others," Sayre Borough Councilman Jim Daly said.

Smaller, concurrent ceremonies in South Waverly, PA, and Waverly, NY, preceded the main event, which was held at the Howard Street overpass. More than 100 guests attended the event, which included a performance by the Athens, Pa., High School Marching Band.

The festivities culminated with a shuttle-bus tour of mitigation opportunities in the area, a cookout and various display booths and emergency vehicle exhibits at the Waverly Fire Center.

Last Modified: Monday, 17-Nov-2003 14:56:46