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Nationwide Programs and Initiatives Quality of Care
Home How IHS Reports Quality Improve Your Health Reporting Quality by Condition Reporting Quality by IHS Facility Reporting Quality for GPRA FAQs

Welcome to the Indian Health Service (IHS) Quality of Care web site!

We want to provide you with the best health care and make sure you have the information you need to improve your health. We also want to show you how IHS reports on the quality of care it provides to its patients.

The following sections from this web site are described below.

How IHS Reports Quality: This section explains how IHS reports on the quality of care it provides.

Improve Your Health: This section lists questions you can ask your doctor to improve your health.

Reporting Quality by Condition: This section contains information on several health conditions and important tests used to treat or watch those conditions. In the future, we will give you information about more health conditions.

Reporting Quality by IHS Facility: This section shows you how IHS is doing in making sure that important tests are being performed for the conditions.

Reporting Quality for GPRA: This section describes the other way that IHS measures health care quality and how that information is used.

FAQs: This section provides answers to frequently asked questions about this site.

The IHS wants you to be an active partner in your care. This works best when both you and your health care team work together to keep you healthy. Please use this information to talk to your doctor and set up a plan of care with your health care team. Now, let’s get started by answering the questions below.

Help your doctor | Help yourself

Know what to ask to get and stay healthier.
Doctor and Patient
Have you ever had?

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This file last modified: Monday October 20, 2008  2:50 PM