2005P-0411 Seeking FDA Actions to Counter Flagrant Violations of the Law by Pharmacies Compounding Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy Drugs
FDA Comment Number : EC425
Submitter : Mrs. Diana Dillinger Date & Time: 01/26/2006 06:01:13
Organization : Mrs. Diana Dillinger
Category : Individual Consumer
Issue Areas/Comments
I am outraged and mismayed to hear that a large drug company such as Wyeth is seeking to make more exorbitant profits on the backs of poor unfortunate menopausal women. And do so under the guise of endangering public health and law violations of compunding pharmacies.
In 1978 my mother had a radical hysterectomy, for heavy bleeding. They did that in those days because male doctors thought that was acceptable treatment. Anyway she could not take the synthetic hormones offered at the time. And there wasn't any other kind of therapy except the old "suffer grin and bear it therapy" for her. To say she experienced severe symptoms would be an understatement. Beginning with adult onset schizophrenia and ending with severe osteoporosis was her wonderful after effects of surgical produced or induced menopause and she was 42. I beleive if BHRT were available or known to her at the time it would have saved her 30yrs of suffering. Now I'm 49 and proceding with menopause naturally, severe hot flashes, SEVERE mood swings, sleeplessness, SeVERE fatigue, unable to think or remember even rudimentary everyday things led me to doctors treating me with antidepressants, sleeping pills, and an assortment of the universally prescribed drugs for women like me. Poor unfortunates to be treated like we were hysterical, simply because or bodies were not and are not adapting to a cascade of chemical imbalances. Needless to say I was ready to go on disability until I found BHRT. Because, the sleeping pills did not help me sleep, the antidepressants did not antidepress me and so on. NOTHING helped like BHRT- PERIOD. I even tried synthetics which like my Mother left me Bloated, wired, cramped, dizzy, with high blood pressure. Intolerable, thank you very much. So please do not consider Wyeth or other drug companies whose only aim is their profit and who have no feeling for me or you. Diana Dillinger