2005P-0411 Seeking FDA Actions to Counter Flagrant Violations of the Law by Pharmacies Compounding Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy Drugs
FDA Comment Number : EC380
Submitter : Mrs. Judie Lincks Date & Time: 01/26/2006 06:01:19
Organization : Mrs. Judie Lincks
Category : Health Professional
Issue Areas/Comments
I have been using bio-identical hormones (progesterone cream) in conjunction with Premarin for many years. I have been very healthy using this regimen. I believe that the bio-identical products are safe and beneficial and my gynecologists concurs. I am not interested in returning to synthetic progesterone...it is a dangerous drug and I felt bad the entire time I was on it. Please do not allow the large pharmaceutical companies who value profit over health disrupt the bio-identical hormome business. It has been a life-saver for may women...and as a user, I speak from my own positive and healthy experiences. Thanks you, Judie lincks