2005P-0411 Seeking FDA Actions to Counter Flagrant Violations of the Law by Pharmacies Compounding Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy Drugs
FDA Comment Number : EC374
Submitter : Mrs. Josette Krause Date & Time: 01/26/2006 06:01:27
Organization : Mrs. Josette Krause
Category : Individual Consumer
Issue Areas/Comments
After 35 years of ongoing medical problems, and seeing doctors as many as 4 times p/ week, I have witnessed first hand how pharmaceutical companies have been dictating my treatment. I have not received the best care for my ailments, as my doctors have been lured to act in the best interest of the drug companies. And, I have often been prescribed medications that do not treat my actual symptoms. It is interesting to note that these medicines have also been in the top bracket of cost as well.

I oppose the complaint filed by Wyeth, and I believe it to be a means of enabling them to have a monopoly on prescription drugs. Since purchasing my medications from a compounding pharmacy, using ingredients as nature intended, I have seen a remarkable improvement in my body's ability to adapt to my medical issues.

I refuse to go back to conventional medicine, where the pharmaceutical companies are in control, and prescribe un-natural drugs that have even worse side effects. In 2005, I suffered a kidney stone that was due to all the horrible medications that I have taken during my lifetime. I will never go back to putting such harmful ingredients into my body, that ended up causing me so much pain.

Thank you for your time to express my concerns about Wyeth's complaint. Please do not allow them to further destroy lives in their greed for profits.