2005P-0411 Seeking FDA Actions to Counter Flagrant Violations of the Law by Pharmacies Compounding Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy Drugs
FDA Comment Number : EC346
Submitter : Mrs. Melissa Weber Date & Time: 01/26/2006 02:01:48
Organization : Mrs. Melissa Weber
Category : Individual Consumer
Issue Areas/Comments
I have been taking biologically identical hormones since May of 2002. Prior to that time I suffered from severe headaches (migraines and/or daily headaches) and slight depression and anxiety for at least 15 years.

During those fifteen years, I saw my family practitioner (when the prescriptions he prescribed failed) he then referred me to an optometrist (when glasses did not help) I was then referred to a dentist (when wearing a retainer every night (to stop from grinding) did not help) I was then sent to a neurologist. The neurologist prescribed a number of different medications and performed x-rays, MRI and a cat scan and still nothing... and then my mother in law suggested biologically identical hormones.

Since taking biologically identical hormones I only have a headache on a rare occasion and the depression and anxiety have disappeared.

I urge the government not to take away my right and the rights of others to take biologically identical hormones. I honestly do not know what I will do if this happens. Taking biologically identical hormones, has allowed me to come alive again, it has allowed me to have the life that I have always wanted to live. (One that is healthy, upbeat and non-stop)

Please, let me plea one more time by asking you to not take my life back away from me because the drug companies fear the effectiveness of biologically identical hormones because of the corresponding monetary lose it means for them. I stand here today eager and able to accomplish all tasks before me, if you take away my biologically identical hormones there is a good chance you will have another lazy American citizen, who does not want to be lazy, but can not perform daily tasks because of the severity of her headaches.
