2005P-0411 Seeking FDA Actions to Counter Flagrant Violations of the Law by Pharmacies Compounding Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy Drugs
FDA Comment Number : EC317
Submitter : Mrs. Anna Sweat Date & Time: 01/26/2006 02:01:31
Organization : Mrs. Anna Sweat
Category : Individual Consumer
Issue Areas/Comments
God help the FDA if they pursue the usurping of women's right to use bioidentical hormones, and insist on bullying them into taking toxic supercilious drugs that threaten their hope, their lives, and their future. It is our constitutionally protected privilege to look after our own bodies and health as we determine best. Removing bioidentical hormones as a viable option for women suffering from hormonal decline or imbalance is a violation of that right. Women have lobbied for centuries to gain equality and have the same choices in life and destiny as men, we have gained our ground through years of fighting and persistence; revoking that now after all that we've endured and prospered is not only unconstitutional, it is immoral and unethical. Making bioidentical hormones unavailable would be doing just that.
How is that abortion remains legal, that a woman's right to choose is touted as intrinsic to their role as child bearers and therefore it is considered perverse and downright criminal to threaten it? Even though the procedure carries and has always carried substantial physical and psychological repercussions that validate not only serious dialogue in medical circles, but also in ethical and spiritual ones. Yet now, bioidentical hormones are not considered in the same light, they are painted as dangerous and deviant, and misconstrued in the mind of the public to profit the pharmaceutical companies regardless of the countless testimonies and piling anecdotal evidence.
I have had the lucky fortune of discovering bioidentical hormones for myself not more than a year ago. As a young mother of three, I have suffered with depression and menstrual abnormalities since the age of twelve, and have taken several prescription medications against my better judgment out of desperation to help myself to be a decent parent and spouse. Thankfully, divine intervention led me to the miracle of bioidentical hormones, which have in a year's time restored my hope and faith in medicine altogether and in my ability to be a good and sane mother. Were it not for this serendipity, I would likely still be in bed, struggling to maintain energy and joy enough to get through each day.
Additionally, I have buried my mother at an unusually young age, as she lost her battle with breast cancer just a couple of years ago. Our hormonal histories being parallel in many ways, I have harbored a deep fear that I would suffer a similar fate. Again, bioidentical hormones have renewed my confidence that I can lead a long and healthy life.
I would ask in conclusion, that the FDA strongly reconsider their stance on the use of bioidentical hormones. At the very least, be guided by your ethical obligation to protect the nation's citizens and their rights to protect their health. Remember the freedom this country affords, and be wary of treading on it. Finally, think on the penalties of abiding in your pernicious venture, do you really want to invoke the anger and restitution of thousands of hormonally deprived women? To repeat my opening statement, may God help you if you do.