2005P-0411 Seeking FDA Actions to Counter Flagrant Violations of the Law by Pharmacies Compounding Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy Drugs
FDA Comment Number : EC305
Submitter : Mrs. Nancy Foley Date & Time: 01/26/2006 09:01:03
Organization : Mrs. Nancy Foley
Category : Drug Industry
Issue Areas/Comments
My name is Nancy Foley and I have been taking testosterone cream for a year now. It has made a world of difference in my well being and outlook on life. I no longer feel like everything I do is a chore. I enjoy my life. I am not coming home from work and just collapsing on the couch. At work I used to constantly be in a fog, I was not able to really concentrate on anything. I was fortunate to have an understanding boss. I now am able to remember things; things seem so much clearer to me. I am back to reading books again (i was too tired to even start a book), exercising (i would go through the motions of just slow walking on the treadmill, now I am back to jogging), and I also use the computer a lot more now. My energy level is back. The fatigue without this cream is so debilitating. I am 50 years young now; before I felt like 80. At this point in my life it is truly QUALITY of life VS. QUANTITY. You can be 80 and feel like you are a teenager, full of life; on the other hand you can be 50 and feel like 80 and just feel like 'i've led a good life, I can't complain now' and you just deal with everything that goes on in your life without truly enjoying yourself. I had always been full of energy before my breast cancer and hysterectomy. These hormones are vital to my well being. My doctor and the pharmacist work hand in hand with me. Why is it that men have 'viagra' and that's ok. Women now have these natural hormones they can take to make them feel human; and the drug manufacturers want to stop them. could it be that their hands are not in the 'pot'. Instead of their lawyers trying to stop the use of these hormones, they should concentrate on how to get everyone in the United State the chance to be able to afford the drugs they DO need; but cannot afford to buy them. Maybe the money that they are spending on those expensive lawyers, should be put to that use.