2005P-0411 Seeking FDA Actions to Counter Flagrant Violations of the Law by Pharmacies Compounding Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy Drugs
FDA Comment Number : EC299
Submitter : Mrs. Aimee Harrington Date & Time: 01/26/2006 09:01:04
Organization : Mrs. Aimee Harrington
Category : Individual Consumer
Issue Areas/Comments
Since 1997 I have been taking biologically identical progesterone and would hate to think of how my life would be without it. I took synthetic infertility drugs for two years trying to get pregnant and had no success and horrible side effects. Finally, I gave up on conventional methods and began taking biologically identical progesterone. Shortly there after, I became pregnant. After child birth, I would start to notice periods of overwhelming anxiety. It was at those times that I realized that I had forgotten to take my daily dose of progesterone. Once taken, the anxiety would quickly go away, leaving me to be a happy, confident mother again. Being on biologically identical progesterone has benefited me in so many ways. My severe PMS symptoms are resolved and I can handle a life full of responsibility calmly and confidently. Synthetic hormones have not only been unable to resolve any of these symptoms for me, but they also caused me to experience many other negative side effects.

The government has no authority to take away my right to be healthy by taking away the safest, most effective medication I have found because of complaints from a drug manufacturer that is hurting from it?s competitor. It is obvious that Wyeth is filing this complaint because the biologically identical hormones have threatened their financial gain and reduced their profits. The complaint filed is strictly due to personal gain rather than for the concerns of the public.

It is my request that you dismiss Wyeth?s complaint and continue to allow the public to continue to take the safest form of hormones ? natural, biologically identical hormones.


Aimee Harrington