2005P-0411 Seeking FDA Actions to Counter Flagrant Violations of the Law by Pharmacies Compounding Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy Drugs
FDA Comment Number : EC241
Submitter : Mrs. Beverly Barrett Date & Time: 01/26/2006 08:01:31
Organization : Mrs. Beverly Barrett
Category : Individual Consumer
Issue Areas/Comments
To Whom It May Concern at the FDA:

I am a 56-year old female, and I have been taking BHRT for over two years, and this therapy has dramatically changed my life and that of my family. Prior to this treatment, I had suffered from severe migraine headaches on a once-a-month, if not more, basis. I had frequently told my GYN doctor at the time, who was prescribing Premarin to me (over 9 years), that I believed that my headaches must be hormonal as they were very cyclical both prior to and after my hysterectomy. He was never willing to test or consider that possibility; he just kept prescribing the Premarin. Once tested for my hormone levels through the practice that prescribes my BHRT regiment, it was obvious that I was deficient in many hormones. Since being on BHRT, I have been migraine free, which means that my quality of life has improved dramatically. I no longer loose 2 - 3 days a month or more of work/being productive. I no longer have to make trips to the emergency room for shots of morphine or other narcotics to ease the pain. My family no longer has to work plans around my "headaches." BHRT has also given me a more consistent/even tempered state of mind. My husband and family can attest to my health improvements. We also know many other women currently on BHRT that have had fantastic results. If unable to fill my BHRT perscriptions here in the U.S., we would be forced to find other sources for this through other countries or whatever means necessary to continue this therapy.

I strongly request that you deny Wyeth's requests. These medications cannot be taken away from me--they are much safer than taking synthetic hormones and clearly more effective. My quality of life depends on BHRT. I would never revert back to Premarin or a Premarin-like drug. Wyeth is obviously concerned about losing market share in the hormone treatment market; not about helping women with hormone issues.

Please contact me if additional information is necessary or I can provide personal testimony in a public forum.

Beverly Barrett