2005P-0411 Seeking FDA Actions to Counter Flagrant Violations of the Law by Pharmacies Compounding Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy Drugs
FDA Comment Number : EC237
Submitter : Mrs. Sally Mirabella Date & Time: 01/26/2006 08:01:50
Organization : Mrs. Sally Mirabella
Category : Individual Consumer
Issue Areas/Comments
For years 'conventional doctors and medicine' were unable to help me diagnose and treat symptoms such as losing hair, lethargy, extreme mood swings, etc. Though I had researched enough to believe that what I needed was bio-identical hormones, I was unable to find a doctor in the area to understand what it was I was asking for. Meanwhile, my mental health was worsening: as a sole proprietor of a business, I watched as my business slipped away as my mental state prevented me from being able to work. Fortunately, just about the time when I was absolutely on the verge of a nervous breakdown (or worse) I learned of a doctor who performed meaningful diagnostics and prescribed bio-identical hormones. I have been taking both estrogen and progesterone for about seven months now and they have absolutely given me my life back. To succomb to the greediness of Wyeth in this matter would be a huge injustice and travesty to all the women who have finally found 'something' that works. Please don't allow the pharmaceutical companies to dictate MY HEALTH CHOICES. They have enough of the market for those who don't know any better. I am educated, informed and I vote in every election. I resent a powerful and greedy pharmaceutical company TRYING TO USURP MY RIGHTS and take away the health it took so long for me to attain. Please do not grant their request. Continue to allow bio-identical hormones to be prescribed to those of us who want and NEED them. Thank you, Sally Mirabella