2005P-0411 Seeking FDA Actions to Counter Flagrant Violations of the Law by Pharmacies Compounding Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy Drugs
FDA Comment Number : EC231
Submitter : Dr. mila mcmanus Date & Time: 01/26/2006 08:01:42
Organization : Dr. mila mcmanus
Category : Health Professional
Issue Areas/Comments
I am a family physician who takes bio-identical hormones, and prescribes them to ALL of my patients. I have never seen ANY adverse effects from using or prescribing these compunded hormones--only dramatic benefits. Compunding pharmacies are important for all of us. It would be an utter disgrace to shut them down. Big Pharma is a BIG conspiracy!!! This push to shut down compunding pharmacies has nothing to do with pubilc safety. It's all about the money--all about Wyeth getting back their market share on Premarin and Prempro. These patented drugs are the dangerous ones. What could be harmful about using natural hormones to replenish what is depleted in our bodies? We weren't created with Premarin receptors or Provera receptors. I know my body has only progesterone receptors. Pharmaceuticals have MANY side effects and I honestly don't understand how Wyeth, or any other company for that matter, can suggest that compounding medicines are dangerous. RIDICULOUS!!! I am a wellness doctor now and my patients take only bio-identical hormones and vitamins. My patients are the healthiest people on the planet. It's my former patients from my former private FP practice taking a handful of prescription drugs who are the sick ones. I was on 10 prescription drugs before starting a wellness program, including Wellbutrin, Ambien, laxatives, Atenolol, Nasonex, Allegra, Prevacid, zantac, Aleve, and others, and I never felt worse! Now that I take bio-identical hormones, I've gotten back my good health and i'm no longer taking ANY of these dangerous drugs. I was never Wellbutrin deficient. I was depressed because of low progestereone and low thyroid (normal blood work results of course). It is my mission in life to balance hormones and cure illness, NOT to mask disease with more and more dangerous medications. I am disgusted with what i've learned about the interactions with Big pharma, FDA, Congress. After learning what I know now, I'm not surprised AT all by Wyeth's petition. And allowing this to continue will further confirm my suspicion of conspiracy!