FEMA Releases "Getting Ready For Disaster" Preparedness DVD 

Release Date: March 29, 2006
Release Number: HQ-06-045

» En Español

WASHINGTON D.C. -- With The Department of Homeland Security's Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) facing the upcoming 2006 hurricane season – being touted as just as active as last years'- and watching killer tornados, floods and wildfires from Illinois to California wreak death and destruction, a new citizen preparedness DVD titled, " Getting Ready For Disaster- One Family's Experience" is ready for distribution to help people get ready for those natural and man-made disasters that may impact their families and their communities.

The DVD guides viewers through important steps of disaster preparedness and brings into focus issues such as drafting a family disaster plan, stockpiling food and water; helping children cope with disasters and preparedness for special populations such as the elderly and people with disabilities.

"Being prepared for disasters is everyone's responsibility," said FEMA's Acting Director, R. David Paulison. "We're excited that this professionally-produced and highly informative product is now available as we approach what's expected to be another active hurricane season. And it's not just for hurricane preparedness, but rather follows FEMA's all hazards approach to disaster preparedness.

The content is based on the most reliable hazard awareness and emergency education information, such as the latest scientific knowledge and physical research on what happens in disasters.

The DVD's story surrounds a 12 year-old boy, whose school assignment challenges him to learn about disasters and emergencies. He is instructed to develop a disaster plan and a disaster supplies kit for his family with his family's help. As a result of following the easy steps to preparedness, the youngster and his family 1) get prepared together, 2) manage to help others as they get prepared, and 3) decide to volunteer so that they can help even more of their neighbors get prepared.

The DVD's seven segments include: 1) Getting Informed; 2) Making a Plan; 3) Assembling a Disaster Supplies Kit; 4) Food and Water in an Emergency; 5) Helping Children Cope with Disaster; 6) Disability and Special Needs Populations; and 7) Getting Involved - Citizen Corps – and walk the viewer, step by step, through lifesaving procedures for being ahead of the storm and knowing what to do when danger threatens.

The DVD is designated # "FEMA 500" for ordering purposes and is now available at the FEMA Distribution Center by calling 1-800-480-2520. Orders are being limited to one DVD per caller for the time being. In the coming months, the DVD will be translated to Spanish and will be available in both languages on a single DVD.

FEMA officials say the DVD, produced with funds from Homeland Security's United States Fire Administration, is designed to be used with FEMA's 200-page Are You Ready? An In Depth Guide to Citizen Preparedness and accompanying facilitator manual for teaching preparedness principles in small group or classroom settings.

More than 267,000 Are You Ready? guides have been ordered from FEMA in only 18 months, with more that 5,000 facilitator guides in the hands of trainers across the country. Thanks to the guides and the cadre of trainers, citizens are learning how to get informed about local emergency plans, how to identify hazards that affect their area, and how to develop and maintain an emergency communications plan and build their own disaster supplies kit.

Are You Ready? is just one of many resources Homeland Security provides American citizens to help them be prepared against all types of hazards. Homeland Security's Ready campaign seeks to help America be better prepared for even unlikely emergency scenarios. Information on how the public can be ready in case of a national emergency, including a possible terrorism attack involving biological, chemical or radiological weapons, can be found by logging on to www.ready.gov or by calling 800-BE-READY for printed information.

EMA manages federal response and recovery efforts following any national incident. FEMA also initiates mitigation activities, trains first responders, works with state and local emergency managers, and manages the National Flood Insurance Program. FEMA joined the U.S. Department of Homeland Security in March 2003.

Last Modified: Tuesday, 11-Apr-2006 14:20:51