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Commission Action Memoranda (COMs and COMSECYs)

Commission Action Memoranda (COMs and COMSECYs) for 2004

As a general policy, COMs and COMSECYs will be released to the public unless they contain specific limited types of information which warrant protection. Missing numbers in the listing indicate that these papers involve matters which the Commission has specifically agreed should be withheld: Classified, Safeguards, Allegation, Investigation, Security-Related, Proprietary, Privacy Act Information, Federal/State/Foreign Government and International Agency-Controlled Information, Adjudicatory, Enforcement, Lawyer-Client or Legal Work Product, and limited sensitive matters which contain a specific withhold recommendation and supporting justification. (Reference Internal Commission Procedures, Chapter II.)

Document Number File type Description Date
COMSECY-04-0079 HTML Icon PDF Icon Fire Protection Rule 10 CFR 50.48(c) (NFPA 805 Rule) Interim Enforcement Discretion Policy Extension 12/23/2004
HTML Icon PDF Icon Staff Requirements: Fire Protection Rule 10 CFR 50.48(c) (NFPA 805 Rule) Interim Enforcement Discretion Policy Extension 01/06/2005
PDF Icon Commission Voting Record: Fire Protection Rule 10 CFR 50.48(c) (NFPA 805 Rule) Interim Enforcement Discretion Policy Extension 01/06/2005
COMSECY-04-0077 HTML Icon PDF Icon Fiscal Year 2005 and 2006 Action Plan for the Advisory Committee on Nuclear Waste 12/22/2004
HTML Icon PDF Icon Staff Requirements: Fiscal Year 2005 and 2006 Action Plan for the Advisory Committee on Nuclear Waste 01/19/2005
PDF Icon Commission Voting Record: Fiscal Year 2005 and 2006 Action Plan for the Advisory Committee on Nuclear Waste 01/19/2005
COMSECY-04-0068 HTML Icon PDF Icon Use of Insurance as a Method to Provide Financial Assurance for Decommissioning Nuclear Power Reactors 11/26/2004
HTML Icon PDF Icon Staff Requirements: Use of Insurance as a Method to Provide Financial Assurance for Decommissioning Nuclear Power Reactors 09/28/2005
PDF Icon Commission Voting Record: Use of Insurance as a Method to Provide Financial Assurance for Decommissioning Nuclear Power Reactors 09/28/2005
COMSECY-04-0059 HTML Icon PDF Icon Status of Decommissioning Program - 2004 Annual Report 09/21/2004
HTML Icon PDF Icon Staff Requirements: Status of Decommissioning Program - 2004 Annual Report 10/21/2004
PDF Icon Commission Voting Record: Status of Decommissioning Program - 2004 Annual Report 10/21/2004
COMSECY-04-0047 HTML Icon PDF Icon Status of Security-Related Rulemaking 07/12/2004
HTML Icon PDF Icon Staff Requirements: Status of Security-Related Rulemaking 07/22/2004
PDF Icon Commission Voting Record: Status of Security-Related Rulemaking 07/22/2004
COMSECY-04-0044 HTML Icon PDF Icon Public Meeting to Communicate Security Matters - Revised Agenda and Talking Points 07/12/2004
HTML Icon PDF Icon Staff Requirements: Public Meeting to Communicate Security Matters - Revised Agenda and Talking Points 07/22/2004
PDF Icon Commission Voting Record: Public Meeting to Communicate Security Matters - Revised Agenda and Talking Points 07/22/2004
COMSECY-04-0037 HTML Icon PDF Icon Fitness-For-Duty Orders to Address Fatigue of Nuclear Facility Security Force Personnel 06/21/2004
HTML Icon PDF Icon Staff Requirements: Fitness-For-Duty Orders to Address Fatigue of Nuclear Facility Security Force Personnel 09/01/2004
PDF Icon Commission Voting Record: Fitness-For-Duty Orders to Address Fatigue of Nuclear Facility Security Force Personnel 09/01/2004
COMSECY-04-0031 HTML Icon PDF Icon Rulemaking to Revise the License Termination Rule 06/04/2004
HTML Icon PDF Icon Staff Requirements: Rulemaking to Revise the License Termination Rule 06/14/2004
PDF Icon Commission Voting Record: Rulemaking to Revise the License Termination Rule 06/14/2004
COMSECY-04-0026 HTML Icon PDF Icon Public Meeting to Communicate Security Matters - Revised Agenda 05/19/2004
HTML Icon PDF Icon Staff Requirements: Public Meeting to Communicate Security Matters - Revised Agenda 06/07/2004
PDF Icon Commission Voting Record: Public Meeting to Communicate Security Matters - Revised Agenda 06/07/2004
COMSECY-04-0014 HTML Icon PDF Icon Status of 10 CFR Part 26 Rulemaking Activities for Drug Testing and Fatigue 05/25/2004
HTML Icon PDF Icon Staff Requirements: Status of 10 CFR Part 26 Rulemaking Activities for Drug Testing and Fatigue 05/25/2004
PDF Icon Commission Voting Record: Status of 10 CFR Part 26 Rulemaking Activities for Drug Testing and Fatigue 05/25/2004
COMEXM-04-0002 HTML Icon PDF Icon Staff Requirements - COMEXM-04-0002 - Rulemaking Schedule for Part 26 Rulemaking Concerning Drug Testing and Fatigue 08/26/2004

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