Wei Yang, Ph.D. : Faculty : NIDDK Laboratories
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Wei Yang, Ph.D.

Structure and Mechanism Section, Chief
Laboratory of Molecular Biology
NIDDK, National Institutes of Health
Building 5, Room B1-03
Bethesda, MD 20892-0510
Tel:301-402-4645 or 301-402-4647(Lab)
Email:  Wei.Yang@nih.gov
Research Group Web Site: http://www-mslmb.niddk.nih.gov
B.A., SUNY at Stony Brook, 1985
M.A., Columbia University, 1986
Ph.D., Columbia University, 1991

Research Statement

My group is interested in studying DNA recombination, repair and replication, in particular V(D)J recombination, methyl-directed mismatch repair and translesion DNA synthesis. We use X-ray crystallography, molecular biology and various biochemical and biophysical approaches to find out the molecular mechanisms in these biological processes.

We have more information posted on the Structural Biology Section home page.

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Selected Publications

1. Yang, W., Lee, J. Y. and Nowotny, M.  Making and breaking nucleic acids: two-Mg2+-ion catalysis and substrate specificity Molecular Cell(22): 5-13, 2006.

2. Yang, W.  Poor base stacking at DNA lesions may initiate recognition by many repair proteins DNA Repair(6): 654-66, 2006.

3. Nowotny, M. and Yang, W.  Stepwise analyses of metal ions in RNase H catalysis: from substrate destabilization to product release EMBO J.(25): 1924-33, 2006.

4. Lee, J. Y. and Yang, W. UvrD helicase unwinds DNA one base pair at a time by a two-part power stroke Cell (in press), 2006.

5. GuarnĂ©, A., Brendler T., Zhao, Q., Ghirlando, R., Austin, S., and Yang, W.  Crystal structure of a SeqA-N filament: implications for DNA replication and chromosome organization EMBO J.(24): 1502-11, 2005.

6. Nowotny, M., Gaidamakov, S. A., Crouch, R. J., and Yang., W. Crystal structures of RNase H bound to an RNA: substrate specificity and metal-dependent catalysis Cell(121): 1005-16, 2005.

7. Vaisman A., Ling, H., Woodgate, R., and Yang, W. Fidelity of Dpo4: effect of metal ions, nucleotide selection and pyrophosphorolysis EMBO J.(24): 2957-67, 2005.

8. Lee, J. Y., Chang, J., Joseph, N. Ghirlando, R., Desirazu, N. R., and Yang, W.  MutH complexed with hemi- and unmethylated DNAs: coupling base recognition and DNA cleavage Molecular Cell(20): 155-66, 2005.

9. Yang W.  Portraits of a Y-family DNA polymerase FEBS Lett.(579): 868-72, 2005.

10. Ling, H, Sayer, J.M., Plosky, B.S., Yagi, H., Boudsocq, F., Woodgate, R., Jerina, D. M. and Yang, W.  Crystal structure of a benzo[a]pyrene diol epoxide adduct in a ternary complex with a DNA polymerase PNAS(101): 2265-2269, 2004.

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Research Interests
DNA Replication, Repair and Recombination
HIV and Cancer Research
Structural Biology

Research Group Web Site: http://www-mslmb.niddk.nih.gov
Last Updated: December 28, 2006

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