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Annual Energy Outlook 2008 with Projections to 2030

Trends in Economic Activity 

AEO2008 Presents Three Views of Economic Growth

AEO2008 presents three views of economic growth for the 2006-2030 projection period. Economic growth depends mainly on growth in the labor force and productivity. In the reference case, the labor force grows by an average of 0.7 percent per year; labor productivity in the nonfarm business sector grows by 1.9 percent per year; and growth in real GDP averages 2.4 percent per year (Figure 32). In line with the labor and output trends, nonfarm employment grows by 0.9 percent per year, while employment in manufacturing shrinks by 1 percent per year. Investment growth averages 2.8 percent per year in the reference case; disposable income available to households grows by 2.8 percent per year; and disposable income per capita increases by 1.9 percent per year.

The high and low economic growth cases show the effects of alternative economic growth assumptions on the energy market projections (see Appendix E for descriptions of all the alternative cases). In the high growth case, real GDP growth averages 3.0 percent per year, as a result of higher assumed growth rates for the labor force (0.9 percent per year), nonfarm employment (1.2 percent), and nonfarm labor productivity (2.4 percent). With higher productivity gains and employment growth, inflation and interest rates are lower than in the reference case. In the low growth case, growth in real GDP is 1.8 percent per year, as a result of lower assumed growth rates for the labor force (0.4 percent per year), nonfarm employment (0.5 percent per year), and labor productivity (1.5 percent per year). Consequently, the low growth case shows higher inflation and interest rates and slower growth in industrial output and employment than are projected in the reference case.

Projected Gains in Labor Productivity Are Higher Than Historical Averages

Common indicators for inflation, interest rates and employment are, respectively, the all-urban consumer price index, the interest rate (yield) on 10-year U.S. Treasury notes, and the nonfarm unemployment rate, which are widely viewed as barometers of conditions in the markets for goods and services, credit, and labor, respectively. Historically, from 1982 to 2006, inflation has averaged 3.1 percent per year, the average yield on 10-year Treasury notes has been 7.2 percent per year, and the unemployment rate has averaged 6.1 percent. In the AEO2008 reference case, as well as in the high and low economic growth cases, projected gains in nonfarm labor productivity— although lower than those seen during the 1990s—are generally higher than the historical averages of the 1980s, leading to more optimistic projections for inflation, interest, and unemployment rates.

In AEO2008, the projected average annual inflation rate over the 2006-2030 period is 2.1 percent in the reference case, 1.5 percent in the high economic growth case, and 2.6 percent in the low growth case (Figure 33). Annual yields on the 10-year Treasury note are projected to average 5.2 percent in the reference case, 4.8 percent in the high growth case, and 5.7 percent in the low growth case. The projections for average unemployment rates are 4.7 percent in the reference case, 4.6 percent in the high growth case, and 4.9 percent in the low growth case. Relative to the reference case, the higher inflation, interest, and unemployment rates in the low growth case and the lower rates in the high growth case depend on different assumptions about labor productivity and population growth rates.

Output Growth for Energy-Intensive Industries Is Expected To Slow

With imports meeting a growing share of demand for industrial goods, the industrial sector has shown slower output growth than the economy as a whole in recent decades. That trend is expected to continue in the AEO2008 projections. The average annual growth rate for real GDP from 2006 to 2030 is 2.4 percent in the reference case, whereas the industrial sector averages 1.3 percent. With higher energy prices and greater foreign competition, the energy-intensive manufacturing sectors [78] grow by only 0.7 percent per year from 2006 through 2030, compared with a 1.9-percent average annual rate of growth for the remaining industrial sectors (Figure 34).

AEO2008 projects relatively slow growth in construction, chemicals, and transportation equipment. High interest rates affect the construction and transportation equipment sectors. Increased foreign competition, slow expansion of domestic production, and higher energy prices exert competitive pressure on the chemicals industry, with growth slowing substantially after 2020.

In the high economic growth case, output from the industrial sector grows by an annual average of 2.0 percent, still below the annual growth of real GDP (3.0 percent). In the low economic growth case, real GDP and industrial output grow by 1.8 and 0.5 percent per year, respectively. In both cases, the non-energy-intensive manufacturing industries show higher growth than the rest of the industrial sector.

Energy Expenditures Relative to GCP Are Projected Too Decline

Total U.S. energy expenditures were $1.1 trillion in 2006. Energy expenditures rise to $1.3 trillion (2006 dollars) in 2030 in the AEO2008 reference case and to $1.5 trillion in the high economic growth case (Figure 35). For the economy as a whole, ratios of energy expenditures to GDP in 2006 were 8.6 percent for all energy, 5.1 percent for petroleum, and 1.4 percent for natural gas. Recent developments in the world oil market have pushed the energy expenditure shares upward, and in the reference case they are expected to increase from current levels until 2010. After 2010 expenditures fall, as the energy intensity of the U.S. economy—measured in terms of energy consumption (thousand Btu) per dollar of real GDP—continues to decline and world oil prices stabilize. Total energy expenditures are projected to equal 5.6 percent of GDP in 2030, petroleum expenditures 3.1 percent, and natural gas expenditures less than 1 percent (Figure 36).

Oil Price Cases show Uncertainty in Prospects for World Oil Markets

World oil price projections in AEO2008, in terms of the average price of imported low-sulfur, light crude oil to U.S. refiners, are higher for 2006-2030 than those presented in AEO2007. The higher price path reflects lower estimates of oil consumers’ sensitivity to higher prices, an anticipation of lower additions to production capacity in key non-OPEC regions, and a reassessment of OPEC producers’ willingness and ability to expand production and production capacity aggressively.

The historical record shows substantial variation in world oil prices, and there is arguably even more uncertainty about future prices when longer time periods are examined. As in previous outlooks, AEO2008 considers three price cases to illustrate the uncertainty of prospects for future world oil resources. In the reference case, world oil prices moderate from current levels to about $57 per barrel in 2016, start rising again as production in non-OPEC regions peaks, and continue rising to $70 per barrel in 2030 (all prices in 2006 dollars). The low and high price cases reflect a wide band of potential world oil price paths, ranging from $42 to $119 per barrel in 2030 (Figure 37), but they do not bound the set of all possible future outcomes. The high and low oil price cases are predicated on assumptions about access to and costs of non-OPEC oil, OPEC supply decisions, and the supply potential of unconventional liquids. Combining those assumptions with different assumptions about the demand for oil would produce a wider range of oil price paths.

Unconventional Resources Gainn Market Share as Prices Rise

The world’s total production of liquid fuels from unconventional resources in 2006 was 2.8 million barrels per day, equal to about 3 percent of total liquids production. Production from unconventional sources included 1.2 million barrels per day from oil sands in Canada, 600,000 barrels per day from very heavy oils in Venezuela, and 320,000 barrels of ethanol per day in the United States. In the AEO2008 reference case, unconventional production makes up 12 percent (14 million barrels per day) of total liquids production in 2030 (Figure 38).

Depending on price assumptions, world unconventional production is projected to be 5.4 to 18.9 million barrels per day higher in 2030 than it was in 2006, accounting for between 6 and 22 percent of the world’s total production of liquids. Production of unconventional liquids depends heavily on prices, being more competitive with conventional sources when market prices are high. Not all unconventional liquids respond to price changes in the same manner, however, because the sources of unconventional liquids differ with regard to resource constraints, political backing, available technologies, and other characteristics. The composition of world unconventional liquids production does not vary significantly between the reference and low price cases, with biofuels and oil sands combined accounting for about 60 percent of unconventional supply. In the high price case, the economic viability of and need for unconventional liquids supply increase, and 34 percent of total projected unconventional liquids production in 2030 is accounted for by CTL, one-half of which will be produced by China.

World Liquids Supply Is Projected To Remain Diversified in all Cases

In 2006, OPEC producers in the Persian Gulf accounted for 28 percent of the world’s conventional liquids supply, and other OPEC producers accounted for 14 percent. Europe and Eurasia produced 22 percent of conventional supply, North America 17 percent, and the rest of the world 19 percent (Figure 39).

In the reference case, OPEC conventional production maintains approximately a 40-percent share of world total liquids supply through 2030, which is consistent with recent historical trends and reflects an expectation that OPEC suppliers will vary their production levels to influence world oil prices. In all the AEO2008 cases, OECD liquids production is between 23 and 24 million barrels per day in 2030, constrained by resource availability rather than price or political concerns.

In the high price case, several resource-rich countries, including Saudi Arabia, Mexico, and Russia, limit production, lowering both total world liquids supply and their own shares of the supply. In the high price case, the largest increases in liquids production occur in the United States, China, Canada, Brazil, and India, where substantial increases in unconventional production are expected, underscoring the rising importance of unconventional fuels to the world’s supply of liquids. In the low price case, resource-rich countries either maintain current production behavior or increase their openness to foreign capital investment. As a result, the largest increases in world liquids supply shares in the low price case occur in Iraq and the Caspian Sea Basin.




Market Trends Notes