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Gift From Within - PTSD Resources for Survivors and Caregivers

Supporting Gift from Within

I'm Hungry!

Part of our funding comes through a generous grant from the Mason Dart Trauma Project, sales of educational videotapes,and through the generous support of consumers, survivors, and health advocates.

Contributing to Gift From Within:

Gift From Within needs your support. The cost of running our website and administering our Support Pal Network is time-consuming and expensive--especially for a non-profit organization that is always in need of funds.

In addition to our extensive Support Pal Network, GFW provides information about Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) to health professionals and educators including clinicians, nurses, teachers, doctors, red cross volunteers, police and fire personnel, researchers and various mental health practitioners. GFW also produces highly respected educational videos on various aspects of PTSD for survivors, family members, volunteers and professionals in the field.

These tapes are also offered to individual sufferers of PTSD at reduced rates. Contact JoyceB3955@aol.com

Your donations make possible our Support Pal Network program and allows us to distribute free or discounted videotapes to those who need healing from PTSD.

Ways to contribute to Gift From Within:

By donating $100 or more you become part of GFW's Band of Angels

If you want to contribute to Gift from Within, in your name, or that of someone else, please fill out the following information:

All contributions are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.
Please phone 207-236-8858 or print out and mail or fax this form to:

Gift from Within
16 Cobb Hill Rd.
Camden, Maine 04843
Fax: 207-236-2818

(You may email this information but we do not support secure online transactions for credit card numbers at this time.)

[   ] $5- supports a support pal.
[   ] $15- supports three support pals.
[   ] $50- provides a free video for one in need of healing
[   ] $100- (your name is added to our "Band of Angels" list)
[   ] $200- 
[   ] Other $__________

[   ] I would like to make this contribution in the name of:


Mailing Address_____________________________________________________________
City___________________________________State_________ Postal Code___________


[   ] Please send a card to notify the recipient.

Total Enclosed:____________ Charge my: [  ]Visa  [  ]MC   Exp Date:__________	

Card Number:__________________________________  

Cardholder Verification Value (CVV2)____________
Note-The 3-digit code is located on the back of your card, inside the signature
area usually the last three digits are the CVV2 code.


Help support GFW. Purchase your books and tapes on Amazon.com through our website. GFW receives a referral fee for every order. You can click on a link, or search below. Please tell your friends and family. Please note that our videos are not available through Amazon.

In Association with Amazon.com

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Inspirational Stories | Support Pal Book & Music Fave's | Support Pal Favorite Healing Ideas | Support Pal Book Reviews
Support Pal's Finding A Therapist | Support Groups | Internet Links | Poetry, Art & Music Gallery | Survivor Psalm
Send Online Greeting | What People Are Saying | Support GFW | Frank Ochberg's Bio | Joyce Boaz' Bio | Board Members
Contact Us | Awards | Band of Angels | What's New | Associates | Google's: Search This Site | Refer a Friend | Guestbook

Copyright © 1995-2009 Gift from Within,Camden, Maine 04843
html Conversion Copyright © 1995-2009 SourceMaine, Belfast, Maine 04915
Content may not be reproduced on websites without express permission. Please link instead.
Please be aware that the materials on this website are intended for educational purposes. This is not meant to replace or act as a substitute for the care and advice given to you by your own clinician or mental health counselor.
Last updated by on 27 May 2008
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