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Michelle - Trainee Counsellor
I am really impressed with this site and the information that is offered. I am also a survivor of Domestic Violence. Thank you for the stories, information that is contained within here and I hope that other people take heart that there is a way out, it is hard, scary and in someways you feel alone but those feelings will become less and you will become stronger.
Blessings to all

We are finding that the number of students who suffer with PTSD is on the rise in our schools. As educators, we are not trained to positively impact these students' lives. However, your website has provided wonderfully helpful information that we can use to enhance the overall school experience for any child who we serve who is dealing with PTSD. Thank you and please continue to update your site with current research and information that will help us with our precious students in our schools.

Kathy John
Firefighters are a rare breed.They run into burning buildings to save people they don't know.My husband,a 32+ year veteran with the fire dept.,worked his way up to Fire Chief.On June 21,1998 my husband was at the station when a 911 operator asked over the radio if he was working because a police officer had to deliver a death certificate.Our 19 year old son was tragically killed in Canada and that's how my husband found out.On Dec.17,2005 my husband was paged to a structure fire with people trapped.Upon arrival, my husband witnessed his men desperately trying to revive 4 small children.These babies were OUR family.We lost 5 members of our family that fateful winter morning.Our 2 grandsons were supposed to spend the night at that apt. and if they were there,this letter wouldn't exist because they are the reason I breathe.My husband has lost his job due to PTSD.NO insurance,No paycheck. A lifetime of service protecting lives and property and the thanks he gets is "No Thanks".My husband needs help. If he goes, I go!

Thank you for your insight and your website. As a survivor of violent crime as an adult and childhood abuse, I spent years denying my PTSD and with a therapist who did not believe in PTSD. But since 2000, I have had a service dog, a wonderful therapist, a helpful lawyer to assist me with gaining accomodation under the ADA, for work and living, and after 20 years of darkness and hopelessness, I could start to be present in my life. I highly recommend service dogs for assistance in living with PTSD. (and a knowledgeable compassionate therapist)and for those of us who are survivors of random abductions,hostage situations,and serial killers, please know you are not alone, the isolation feels devastating, but there are other survivors out there

This site was recommended to me. I feel like what little I have read, I am having a better understanding of myself. One session at a time. I will conquer my demons and throw out the trash!

A valuable website resource. The restoration of good health requires a balance between mind and body. The healing of emotional trauma is essential to this balance.

I am greatful to have refound this page. It has been years but memories and nightmares still get me. I have been writing poems that seem to pour out of me hopeing to empty my pain. Maybe someday.
Thanks for the wonderful resourses here

andrew pick
my wife suffers from ptsd and im finding very hard to help her it has a massive impact on our lives. we will survive and i hope:

Lorri Standley
Thank you for having such an informational page! My brother was killed by a drunk driver on my 35th B'day. It has been one of the hardest things I have ever had to go threw. I am NO longer allowed to see, write, talk, phone my neice or nephew. It has been since July 2006 sice I have seen or talked to them. The crash happened on Jan 14th 2006 at 12:33am. I have many guilty feelings far too many to explane.:-

I have just found your site tonight, and am very happy with all the information. I am a long time sufferer of PTSD, and other illnesses, and can already see help for me. I just submitted a poem here, so more healing has already begun. Thank you.

Maria J Nickerson
In 1980 I had already read the begining of the research, I was so happy to learn about myself, thenmore sad that I met so many therapists that had no dang clue and mistreated me. Today I finally have a wonderful therapist but it is so hard to change the way I am, the fragments of me have lost a feeling of wholeness. Now I am the new deffination of cronic ptsd because of truma to my child set me in a spin. I am one of the lucky survivors that has found a way to survive for so long yet still lost in the shuffel of paper work for help. People still dont believe a woman that has never been in a combat situation can suffer as a war hero does, or that it can be reoccuring to a sever extent. Thank you it is about time the public learned more about the disorder.

Henry Trombley
I send any skeptics to your site. Keep up the good work.

Mike MacDonald
PTSD is as real as a sunburn. Too much exposure. It is not like a sunburn because it doesn't heal with time.

I am a survivor! Sites like yours help when times are a little tough for me. They also enable me to find resources to help those who have not made it out yet.
Baltimore, MD

P.T.S.D. is real and the emotional rollercoaster of feelings will surpass with the acceptance of professional help and self healing. I proudly say I am a survivor! As the famous quote from John F. Kennedy states, "Challenge is the law of life. And those who look only to the past and present are certain to miss the future." To our futures...

I was just Diagnoised with PTSD yesterday. I am 42 and the event occured from age 3 to age 9. I have been misdiagnosis for along time with Manic Depression and severe deprssion Chronic.

This is a wonderful site full of information and encouragement. I am a mental health counselor working towards licensure and enjoyed visiting today. I will certainly refer clients to your site, the healing begins with the first step.

I escaped 15 years of abuse...only to continue to receive emotional abuse when trying to continue to parent together...i'm told that i'm a rotten mother, that i've ruined my kids' lives by leaving him, etc. thank you for this page. i've put off counselling because i can't afford it...but i see that i can't afford not to. i'm a wreck, even with him gone...

Dr.Leena Vihang Mehta,The M.S.Uni.Baroda
Iam happy to learn about the organisation's activities. Iam guiding a Socialwork Master's student's reaserch on a similar subject and request your readers to help us know/send references of studies done on Secondary Victims of unnatural Deaths.

Thank you...it's so nice to see I'm not alone.

Thanks for the website. Please let people know about our advocacy websites to stop child abuse, thanks.

ritual abuse page http://ritualabuse.us/

newsletters: http://ritualabuse.us/newsle tter/

2009 conference http://ritualabuse.us/smart- conference/

Extreme Abuse Survey Research -
http://ritualabuse.us/mindco ntrol/eas-studies/

http://www.youtube.com/stopr itualabuse proof ritual abuse exists


(wiping the tears from my eyes) thank you...simply thank you.

Thank you. I finally was referred to this site by my counselor, Dr. Brown.
I am getting alot of healing from reading.

Faith Hoffen
Thank you for your support and encouragement for PTSD survivors.

Keep up the good work

This is a great site and resource for people. Will be sharing this with other therapists in Chicago as well as people looking for support.

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ViPER Guestbook V1.2 FINAL - © 2004 by Marc Stein