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This page last modified on September 04, 2008

A listing of Planning, Environment, and Realty program meetings, events, and NHI training opportunities.



September 21 - December 21, 2008 (Planning)

TRB's 13th International Conference on High-Occupancy Vehicle Systems, Pricing, and Managed Lanes

Minneapolis, MN

Fall 2008 - No further information is available at this time. Periodically check TRB"s calendar website.

Richard Cunard (TRB) - 202-334-2965



October 1 - 31, 2008 (Planning)

Mid-South Right of Way Conference


To be held in October 2008. Date to be determined.

Marsha Bayer -


October 27 - 28, 2008 (Planning)

TRB's Impact of Changing Demographics on the Transportation System

Keck Center of the National Academies
Washington, DC

Limited additional information is available on line. Four priority themes of the conference are: Aging and Demographic Transition, Immigration Internally and Abroad, Changing Racial and Ethnic Mix, and Gender Differences.


October 28 - 29, 2008 (Planning)

Rethinking Transportation for a Sustainable Future*

Galt House
Louisville, KY

The conference goals include: foster communication between academics and professionals working on energy and transportation issues (e.g., employees of DOTs, DOE, AASHTO); introduce new techniques and policies for energy and transportation sustainability; and have attendees contribute to the development of a common language and collective vision for a sustainable set of energy and transportation policies. Rooms will be available at the conference rate until September 27. Additional information appears online.


October 28 - 30, 2008 (Planning)

2008 ULI Fall Meeting and Urban Land Expo: Creating and Sustaining Thriving Communities Worldwide

Miami Beach Convention Center
Miami, FL

The Urban Land Institute sponsors this event annually for real estate developers, investors, public sector officials, financiers, architects, planners, construction and building materials professionals, and service providers. Additional information is available online.


October 28 - 29, 2008 (Planning)

TRB's Rethinking Transportation for a Sustainable Future

Louisville, KY

No further information is available at this time. Periodically check TRB"s calendar website.

Martine Micozzi - 202-334-3177


October 28 - 31, 2008 (Planning)

AMPO Annual Conference

Grand Hyatt Seattle
Seattle, WA

This annual event is hosted by AMPO and the Puget Sound Regional Council. A call for paper was issued with suggested topics/themes of: Freight Transportation, Energy, Climate Change, Land Use, Regionalism, Finance, MPO Institution, Research and Innovation, International Perspective, and Technical Planning. Additional information appears online. The conference is open to all who are or work with MPOs.


October 31 - November 3, 2008 (Planning)

AMPO's Rail-Volution 2007

Miami, FL

No further information is available at this time.



November 3 - 5, 2008 (Planning)

2008 STC Summit on Education and Workforce Development

Knoxville, TV

This event is sponsored by the Center for Transportation Research, Southeastern Transportation Center at the University of Tennessee. It will address outreach to high school and undergraduate students, workforce development, innovations in education, and the upcoming Distance Learning Graduate Certificate Program. Faculty, researchers, industry professionals, and students of transportation are invited to attend, submit an abstract for papers, and suggest topics for panels, presentations, and poster sessions. Send an email to Lissa to get on event email.


November 6 - 8, 2008 (Planning)

2007 National Center for Transit Research GIS in Transit Conference

USF Embassy Suites Hotel and Conference Center
Tampa, FL

The conference will provide opportunities for Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and transit personnel to learn about new and relevant issues associated with GIS as it relates to transit.

There is currently a call for papers and presentations, with abstracts due July 16. They will undergo a peer review and be posted in English on the NCTR website shortly after the conference. Suggested themes appear online.


November 6 - 8, 2008 (Planning)

TRB's New Directions in Asset Management and Economic Analysis: 7th National Conference on Asset Management:

Royal Sonesta Hotel
New Orleans, LA

The conference will provide a forum for practitioners, researchers, and others to share information. It will build on previous national conferences. The program will include sessions on emerging issues in transportation asset management, including organizational leadership, management systems, optimization, and training and education. The conference will feature three thematic tracks and four special topic areas.

A Call for Presentations has been issued, requesting abstracts by March 15, 2007. Formal papers may be submitted but are not required.


November 6 - 9, 2008 (Planning)

IAIA's Assessing and Managing Cumulative Environment Effects

Westin Calgary
Calgary, Alberta, Canada

This Special Topic Meeting is open to all; however, it will have both member and nonmember rates. A group hotel rate is available until October 06. Limited additional information is available online.


November 11 - 15, 2008 (Planning)

National League of Cities' 85th Congress of Cities & Exposition

Orlando World Center Marriott
Orlando, FL

This is the 85th Congress of Cities sponsored by the National League of Cities. Information on exhibitor opportunities is available online. Online registration will be available in April. Please periodically check the website for more information.


November 12 - 16, 2008 (Planning)

2007 IAP2 Skills Symposium

Chaparral Suites
Scottsdale, AZ

The International Association for Public Participation is hosting a variety of classes over this period of time. Classes range from ½ day to 3 days. Each class has an online description, instructor(s) bio(s), and cost depending on membership/non-membership in IAP2 and date of registration. September 30 appears to be the "early bird" cutoff for the per-class registration fees.


November 13 - 14, 2008 (Environment)

Expanding Our Constituencies Workshop

Little Rock, Arkansas

Organized by the Partnership for the National Trails System with financial support from FHWA's Recreational Trails Program.

See also:
National Trails System


November 13 - 14, 2008 (Planning)

2008 Road Dust Management Practices and Future Needs Conference

Holiday Inn El Tropicano Riverwalk
San Antonio, TX

This conference is being sponsored by Federal Lands Highway Division, and Western Transportation Institute--Montana State University with support from FHWA and other Federal agencies. Corporate sponsorship is available. Additional information is available online.


November 13 - 15, 2008 (Environment)

State Trail Administrators Meeting

Little Rock, Arkansas

Organized by the National Association of State Trail Administrators and the FHWA Recreational Trails Program.

This meeting is for State and Federal staff with recreational trail responsibilities.

Stuart Macdonald
Christopher Douwes


November 13 - 17, 2008 (Planning)

National League of Cities' 84th Congress of Cities & Exposition

Ernest N. Morial Convention Center
New Orleans, LA

A preliminary agenda, registration, and other information appear on the event website. A preliminary agenda, registration, and other information appear on the event website.


November 14 (Planning)

DE Center for Transportation's Transportation Education, Research, and Security Forum

University of Delaware Clayton Hall
Newark, DE

This annual forum is a principal source ideas and topics from which DelDOT and the University select projects that they will fund and work on each year. The forum will run from 8 am to 3 pm, and cover a broad array of multi-modal transportation issues with a special emphasis on transportation security.

About 40 vendors will display their products and services. Electronic registration will be available after April 1. Government agencies, private sector, academia, civic groups, and individuals are anticipated. There is no admission or parking fee for the forum; however, there are seating limitations.


November 15 - 18, 2008 (Environment)

National Trails Symposium

Little Rock, Arkansas

American Trails brings the worldwide trails community together for an inspirational and educational conference. The Symposium addresses both nonmotorized and motorized issues and our vision for trails and greenways nationwide. Dozens of speakers and keynote presenters from across America cover the top topics and state of the art technology. Info: * The National Trails Training Partnership will meet on November 18-19. * The Scenic Trails Workshop will be held in conjunction with the National Trails Symposium.

American Trails (National Trails Symposium) - 530-547-2060


November 16 - 19, 2008 (Planning)

ASCE's 2008 International Low Impact Development Conference: LID for Urban Ecosystem and Habitat Protection

Westin Seattle
Seattle, WA

This unique event follows several national and regional events held within the US since 2004. It will highlight new and continuing work; including research, developments, and community adoption of LID throughout the United States and other countries. Additional information is available online.


November 16 - 20, 2008 (Planning)

ITS American's combined 2008 Annual Meeting and Exposition and the 15th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems

Jacob K. Javits Convention Center
New York City, NY

The 15th World Congress on ITS and ITS America's 2008 Annual Meeting Is the largest event in the World for ITS leaders, policy makers, and other industry professionals. Registrants will have access to both the Annual Meeting and World Congress events, including more than 200 extraordinary education sessions, exciting tours, a grand-scale exhibition hall, and limitless opportunities to connect with an international audience in a world-class city. Much more information is available online.


November 17 - 20, 2008 (Planning)

ITS American's combined 2008 Annual Meeting and Exposition and the 15th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems

New York City, NY

This event was announced as part of the 2007 Annual Meeting and Exposition in Palm Springs, June 2007.

No further information is available at this time.

Sandra Collier - 202-721-4214


November 17 - 20, 2008 (Planning)

2008 Institute for Transportation Coordination

Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center
Washington, D.C.

Vibrant partnerships among public and private transportation providers, human service and workforce development agencies, and community- and faith-based groups can lead to more mobility options for: Commuters impacted by higher fuel prices; job seekers and individuals with limited income; returning veterans and others with disabilities; a burgeoning population of older adults no longer driving; and homebound residents who may feel isolated from their communities.

At the 2008 Institute for Transportation Coordination, participants will: - Learn about the benefits of transportation coordination for their community - Explore promising local coordination practices - Discuss effective community outreach and partnership-building strategies - Develop an action plan to address the transportation challenges of their community

Amy Conrick (Community Transportation Association of America) - 800-891-0590, ext 734



December 9 - 11, 2008 (Planning)

TRB's Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP) Peer Exchange and Stae DOT Safety Engineer Peer Exchange (by invitation only)

Houston, TX

No further information is available at this time. Periodically check TRB"s calendar website.

Richard Pain (TRB) - 202-334-2964




January 1 - 31, 2009 (Realty)

International Right of Way Association Federal Update


Date to be determined.

John Turpin



February 1 - March 30, 2009 (Environment)

Trailbuilders 2009

Reno NV (historically)

Organized by the Professional Trailbuilders Association. This conference provides training on trail design, construction, and maintenance with the Nation's premier trailbuilders.



March 1 - 31, 2009 (Environment)

National Bike Summit

Washington DC

Organized by the League of American Bicyclists. The National Bike Summit brings together stakeholders from user groups, industry, government, and elected officials from around the country to share their ideas and best practices.


March 24 - 26, 2009 (Planning)

Fatigue Management in Transportation Operations

Boston Marriott Long Wharf
Boston, MA

This conference, hosted by the U.S. Department of Transportation's Human Factors Coordinating Committee under its Operator Fatigue Management Program, is a continuation of the Fatigue in Transportation conference series that last took place in Seattle, Washington in 2005. The objective of the conference is to disseminate information on the latest fatigue-related research, technology, and countermeasures.

The program will consider the topic holistically, transitioning from research and development to technical and practical sessions. The conference is designed to address the interests of researchers, practitioners, managers, labor organizations and operators involved in all modes of transportation from around the world.


March 24 - 26, 2009 (Environment)

National OHV Program Managers Workshop

Houston, TX

Cosponsored by the National Off Highway Vehicle Conservation Council and FHWA's Recreational Trails Program.

This workshop is especially for government agency or association program managers with off highway vehicle management responsibilities. The Association of OHV Program Managers will meet on March 24.

Tom Metsa - 303-791-1954 x132


March 26 - 29, 2009 (Environment)

National Off Highway Vehicle Conservation Council Annual Conference

Houston, TX

Organized by the National Off Highway Vehicle Conservation Council with cosponsorship from FHWA's Recreational Trails Program.

This conference is primarily intended for NOHVCC partners.

Ann Vance - 800-348-6487



April 1 - 30, 2009 (Realty)

Mid-State Right of Way Conference


Date to be determined.

Mark Huffhines


April 1 - 30, 2009 (Realty)

American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Right of Way and Utility Annual Conference


Date and location to be determined.

Karen Hider


April 25 - 29, 2009 (Planning)

American Planning Association Annual National Planning Conference

Minneapolis, MN

No further information is available at this time.

Additional information - 312-786-6397



May 3 - 6, 2009 (Environment)

Making Sustainability Happen. Goals, Practices, and Challenges

Radison Fort McDowell
Scottsdale, AZ

No further information is available at this time.

Donna Carter (National Association of Environmental Professionals) - 863-679-3852



June 6 (Environment)

National Trails Day


Organized by the American Hiking Society with financial support from FHWA's Recreational Trails Program, Federal land management agencies, and many private corporations and other partners. National Trails Day is a celebration of trails to increase the awareness of community trails and help volunteer trail clubs.


June 10 - 13, 2009 (Environment)

41st International Snowmobile Congress

Credit Union Place, Summerside, Prince Edward Island (Canada)

FHWA's Recreational Trails Program provides financial support through the American Council of Snowmobile Associations. The ISC brings together snowmobile and groomer manufacturers, leaders of snowmobile organizations, grassroots snowmobilers, snowmobile publication staff, snowmobile administrators, government representatives, and other people interested in snowmobiling. State and Federal staff with snowmobile program responsibilities attend the International Association of Snowmobile Administrators meeting: see

Cathy Dickieson
Linda Constable - 1-877-708-7669


June 28 - July 1, 2009 (Planning)

IRWA's Annual International Education Conference

Indianapolis, Indiana

No other information available at this time.



July 7 - 8, 2009 (Environment)

State Trail Administrators Meeting

Gainesville, FL

Hosted by the Florida Office of Greenways and Trails and the Southeastern Equestrian Trails Conference, with participation likely from the International Mountain Bicycling Association.


July 9 - 12, 2009 (Environment)

Southeastern Equestrian Trails Conference

Gainesville FL

Organized by the Florida Greenways and Trails Foundation and the Florida Office of Greenways and Trails with financial support from FHWA's Recreational Trails Program.

SETC brings together people concerned about the future of the natural and cultural heritage of the equestrian trail experience. Although it focuses on southeastern States, it is open to anybody with an interest in equestrian trails.



August 9 - 12, 2009 (Planning)

ITE 2009 Annual Meeting and Exhibit

Henry B. Gonzales Convention Center
San Antonio, TX

The Institute of Transportation Engineers is hosting this event.

No further information is available at this time.




February 1 - March 30, 2010 (Environment)

Trailbuilders 2010

Reno NV (historically)

Organized by the Professional Trailbuilders Association. This conference provides training on trail design, construction, and maintenance with the Nation's premier trailbuilders.



April 10 - 14, 2010 (Planning)

American Planning Association Annual National Planning Conference

New Orleans, LA

No further information is available at this time.

Additional information - 312-786-6397



June 1 - 30, 2010 (Environment)

International Snowmobile Congress

Iowa City IA

FHWA's Recreational Trails Program is providing financial support through the American Council of Snowmobile Associations

The ISC brings together snowmobile and groomer manufacturers, leaders of snowmobile organizations, grassroots snowmobilers, snowmobile publication staff, snowmobile administrators, government representatives, and other people interested in snowmobiling. State and Federal staff with snowmobile program responsibilities may attend the International Association of Snowmobile Administrators meeting: see


June 5 (Environment)

National Trails Day


Organized by the American Hiking Society with financial support from FHWA's Recreational Trails Program, Federal land management agencies, and many private corporations and other partners. National Trails Day is a celebration of trails to increase the awareness of community trails and help volunteer trail clubs.



July 16 - 17, 2010 (Environment)

Southeastern Equestrian Trails Conference

Alpharetta, GA

Organized by the Chattahoochee Trail Horse Association with financial support from FHWA's Recreational Trails Program. SETC brings together people concerned about the future of the natural and cultural heritage of the equestrian trail experience. This conference is open to anybody with an interest in equestrian trails.



August 11 (Planning)

ITE 2010 Annual Meeting and Exhibit

Vancouver Convention & Exhibition Centre
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

The Institute of Transportation Engineers is hosting this event.

No further information is available at this time.



November 1 - 30, 2010 (Environment)

State Trail Administrators Meeting

Chattanooga TN

Organized by the National Association of State Trail Administrators and the FHWA Recreational Trails Program.

This meeting is for State and Federal staff with recreational trail responsibilities.

Stuart Macdonald
Christopher Douwes


November 14 - 17, 2010 (Environment)

National Trails Symposium

Chattanooga TN

American Trails brings the worldwide trails community together for an inspirational and educational conference. The Symposium addresses both nonmotorized and motorized issues and our vision for trails and greenways nationwide. Dozens of speakers and keynote presenters from across America cover the top topics and state of the art technology.

American Trails (National Trails Symposium) - 530-547-2060




April 9 - 13, 2011 (Planning)

American Planning Association Annual National Planning Conference

Boston, MA

No further information is available at this time.

Additional information - 312-786-6397



June 4 (Environment)

National Trails Day


Organized by the American Hiking Society with financial support from FHWA's Recreational Trails Program, Federal land management agencies, and many private corporations and other partners.

National Trails Day is a celebration of trails to increase the awareness of community trails and help volunteer trail clubs.



August 7 - 10, 2011 (Planning)

ITE 2011 Annual Meeting and Exhibit

America's Center
St. Louis, MO

The Institute of Transportation Engineers is hosting this event.

No further information is available at this time.

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This page last modified on September 04, 2008

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