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Voluntary Reporting of Greenhouse Gases Program (General Accounting Office Reports)

GAO   United States General Accounting Office Reports

The United States General Accounting Office has completed two separate reviews of the Voluntary Reporting of Greenhouse Gases Program

GAO/RCED-98-107R, Department of Energy: Voluntary Reporting Program for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reductions, March 24, 1998

GAO Report

GAO Cover Letter

Climate Change: Basic Issues in Considering a Credit for Early Action Program, November of 1998

Ordering Information

The first copy of each GAO report is free. Additional copies are $2 each. Check or money order should be made out to the Superintendent of Documents. VISA and MasterCard credit cards are accepted. Orders for 100 or more copies to be mailed to a single address are discounted 25 percent.


U.S. General Accounting Office
P.O. Box 37060
Washington, DC 20013

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Washington, DC

Orders may also be placed by calling (202) 512-6000 or by using fax number (202) 512-6061, or TDD (202) 512-2537.

GAO's World Wide Web Home Page: http://www.gao.gov