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National Office of Public Health Genomics
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Office of Genomics and Disease Prevention
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What's New in HuGENet
February 2007

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 HuGE Review Update
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One new HuGE Review has been posted on the HuGENet™ website since the last issue of ‘What's New':

Association study between the NMDA receptor 2B subunit gene (GRIN2B) and schizophrenia: A HuGE review and meta-analysis by Dawei Li and Lin He from Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Genetics in Medicine, January 2007).

Handbook for Authors of New HuGE Reviews

HuGENet™ released the first edition of the HuGENet™ Handbook of Systematic Reviews This reference links to a non-governmental website in March 2006. All new HuGE reviews should follow the guidance in this document.


 HuGE Collaborators
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HuGENet™ collaborators come from multiple disciplines such as epidemiology, genetics, clinical medicine, policy, public health, education, and biomedical sciences. Examples of contributions and benefits for HuGENet™ collaborators:

  1. Receive a monthly newsletter on the latest information relevant to population data on human genes and disease in different populations.
  2. Contribute peer-reviewed HuGE reviews to be published on the HuGENet™ website and in selected journals (view list of collaborating journals).
  3. Become part of the HuGENet "Network of Networks". This reference links to a non-governmental website (last accessed 2/2008) Develop or join a network of collaborations and working groups around specific subject areas for conducting research and collaborative reviews of the existing literature.
  4. Contribute e-journal clubs and case studies that can be used for training and information dissemination (view HuGENet™ collaborators).
  5. Attend and contribute to HuGE workshops in training, methods development and synthesis of the knowledge base on genomics and health.


 Seeking Feedback on HuGENet™ and Website Contents
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We would like your feedback on how HuGENet™ can be improved and what you like or do not like about the website. In addition, please help us inform fellow members of any HuGE activities that may be of interest. Let us know about any upcoming research projects or meetings that pertain to the prevalence of gene variants, gene-disease association or similar HuGE topics. E-mail your comments to


 Overview of HuGENet™ website Contents
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As of February 1, 2007, the HuGENet™ website contains 25,325 research studies indexed in the HuGE Published Literature database, referencing 2,645 genes, 888 factors (personal or environmental), and 3,102 health outcomes/diseases.  Both epidemiologic studies and review articles can be found in the database which includes 56 HuGE Reviews and 436 meta-analyses.  Please see the GDPInfo Summary of Contents for more details.

Note: The count of health outcomes indexed in the database is based on a query that groups similar outcomes according to ICD-9 codes.  This figure is different from the total numbers of records listed in the Genomics and Disease Prevention Information system (GDPInfo) portal Health Topics A-Z.

Search for specific HuGENet™ content using the Advanced Search feature in the GDPInfo query tool.

This reference links to a non-governmental website
 Provides link to non-governmental sites and does not necessarily represent the  views of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Page last reviewed: February 1, 2007 (archived document)
Page last updated: November 2, 2007
Content Source: National Office of Public Health Genomics