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What's New in HuGENet
December 2006

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 HuGENet™ Workshop on Assessment of Cumulative Evidence on  Genetic Associations:  International Workshop held in Venice  (Italy) on 9-10 November 2006
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The publication of synopses of the cumulative evidence on genetics and population health in specific fields could address a gap resulting from the fact that systematic reviews and meta-analyses tend to focus only on one or a few specific gene-disease associations at a time. However, a widely accepted assessment scheme to grade this cumulative evidence has yet to be developed.

HuGENet™ organized a workshop in Venice on November 9-10, 2006 where a multi-disciplinary panel of around 25 experts discussed existing assessment schemes from other fields; experiences in developing synopses of cumulative evidence on diverse diseases; attempts to link human genome epidemiology with other biological and experimental evidence relevant to acute, infectious, and chronic diseases; the framework for causal inference; and methods for the efficient assessment of quantity and quality of cumulative evidence. An initial set of guidelines was agreed upon and will be refined over the coming months. The workshop presentations will shortly be made available on the Canadian HuGENet Coordinating Centre website ( This reference links to a non-governmental website  


 HuGENet™ Publication
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The integration of genomics into obstetrics and gynecology: A HuGE challenge
M. J. Khoury and R. Romero
Am J Obstet Gynecol. Dec 2006

> View all HuGENet Publications and learn how to submit a paper for the HuGENet website


 HuGE Review Update
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One new HuGE Review has been posted on the HuGENet™ website since the last issue of ‘What's New':

Variants in Estrogen Biosynthesis Genes, Sex Steroid Hormone Levels, and Endometrial Cancer: A HuGE Review
Sara H. Olson et al., from Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (American Journal of Epidemiology, Advance Access)

Three new HuGE Reviews were proposed in November:

  1. Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase C677T and A1298C polymorhisms and interaction with tobacco smoking and alcohol consumption on gastric cancer susceptibility: a meta-analysis of the literature
    Stefania Boccia (Catholic University of Sacred Heart, Italy)

  2. Alcohol, aldehyde dehydrogenase-2 polymorphism and head and neck cancer risk: a meta-analysis of the literature
    Stefania Boccia (Catholic University of Sacred Heart, Italy)

  3. Associations between polymorphisms in iron metabolism genes and gastrointestinal cancers
    Valerie K. Tait (University of Ottawa)

> List of completed HuGE Reviews
List of HuGE Review topics under development

HuGENet™ released the first edition of the HuGENet™ Handbook of Systematic Reviews This reference links to a non-governmental website in March 2006. All new HuGE reviews should follow the guidance in this document.


 Funding Opportunities for Population-based Research Projects  From the National Institutes of Health
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The HuGENet™ staff has compiled a list of funding opportunities for population-based research on the prevalence of human genetic variation, the association between genetic variants and human diseases, gene-gene or gene-environment interaction, or the evaluation of genetic tests for screening and prevention.  Items are pulled from the National Institutes of Health Office of Extramural Research.  Additional information and application details can be found by clicking on the respective links.  New program announcements or requests for applications will be posted in future issues of the “What's New?” as they become available.

New listings:

  1. Methods of Analysis of Gene-Environment Interactions in Complex Diseases: The Genes and Environment Initiative (R01)
    National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
    Application Receipt Date(s): January 29, 2007

> View Entire List of Funding Opportunities for Population-Based Research in Human Genome Epidemiology.


 PLoS ONE Call for Papers—Help Fight Publication Bias!
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PLoS ONE is an international, peer-reviewed, open-access, online publication from the Public Library of Science (PLoS), now calling for reports of primary research from all disciplines within science and medicine.

PLoS ONE employs peer review to identify scientifically rigorous papers without judging their novelty. PLoS ONE creates new potential for HuGE by promoting more complete publication of sound research, including null findings, tools for research synthesis, and a medium for better interdisciplinary communication. For more information, see This reference links to a non-governmental website


 Seeking Feedback on HuGENet™ and Website Contents
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We would like your feedback on how the HuGENet™ website can be improved. Tell us what you like or don’t like. In addition, please help us inform fellow members of any HuGE activities that may be of interest. Let us know about any upcoming research projects or meetings that pertain to the prevalence of gene variants, gene-disease association or other HuGE topics.
E-mail your comments to


 Overview of HuGENet™ website Contents
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As of December 1, 2006, the HuGENet™ website contains 24,263 research studies indexed in the HuGE Published Literature database, referencing 2,565 genes, 864 factors (personal or environmental), and 2,947 health outcomes/diseases.  Both epidemiologic studies and review articles can be found in the database which includes 55 HuGE Reviews and 412 meta-analyses.  Please see the GDPInfo Summary of Contents for more details.

Note: The count of health outcomes indexed in the database is based on a query that groups similar outcomes according to ICD-9 codes.  This figure is different from the total numbers of records listed in the Genomics and Disease Prevention Information system (GDPInfo) portal Health Topics A-Z.

Search for specific HuGENet™ content using the Advanced Search feature in the GDPInfo query tool.

This reference links to a non-governmental website
 Provides link to non-governmental sites and does not necessarily represent the views of the  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Page last reviewed: December 1, 2006 (archived document)
Page last updated: November 2, 2007
Content Source: National Office of Public Health Genomics