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Fact Sheet
Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs
Washington, DC
April 28, 2008

Foreign Operations Appropriated Assistance: Armenia

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Flag of Armenia is three equal horizontal bands of red (top), blue, and orange.Foreign Operations Appropriated Assistance*
Fiscal Year (FY) 2007: $63.79 Million (M) ($58M FSA, $5.79M Other)
Estimate FY 2008: $62.39M ($58.03M FSA, $4.36M Other)**

Assistance Goals: United States Government (USG) assistance supports democratic and social reform to enhance regional stability and the development of the infrastructure and institutions necessary to become a free-market, democratic nation. USG assistance also supports the peaceful resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict with Azerbaijan and improved relations with Turkey needed to enhance movement of goods and people throughout the region, and to create a better trade and investment environment.

Areas of Focus (Foreign Operations Appropriated Assistance):

Peace and Security (PS): FY 2007: $12.21M; Est. FY 2008: $8.72M

  • Increase Armenia’s ability to control its borders to prevent smuggling;
  • Improve the law-enforcement capacity and legal-regulatory structure for Armenian border security and export control;
  • Support development of U.S./NATO-interoperable defense institutions and of medical, de-mining, and peacekeeping capabilities.

Governing Justly and Democratically (GJD): FY 2007: $17.92M; Est. FY 2008: $21.1M

  • Promote democratic principles and institutions in all levels of society;
  • Increase public policy cooperation / dialogue between civil society and government;
  • Promote free, fair, and participatory elections.

Investing in People (IIP): FY 2007: $13.98M; Est. FY 08: $10.9M

  • Increase the use of sustainable, high quality health and reproductive care services;
  • Increase access to education and health care in rural areas;
  • Strengthen Armenia’s social protection departments and agencies.

Economic Growth (EG): FY 2007: $17.49M; Est. FY 2008: $20.08M

  • Address economic imbalances and unemployment in Armenia;
  • Encourage and support economic growth in sustainable sectors;
  • Develop legal and regulatory reforms to open up the business environment and make the private sector more competitive.

Humanitarian Assistance (HA): FY 2007: $1.4M; Est. FY 2008: $1.6M

  • Relieve suffering of vulnerable populations by providing donated food, clothing, and medicine;
  • Collaborate with in-country NGOs and local officials to build partnerships between the people of Armenia and the people of the United States.

Recent Successes:

  • USG grants to community organizations supported programs that directly benefited over 3,000 citizens and indirectly benefited 82,000 others.
  • Completion of 12 small reconstruction projects which improved the quality of life for the institutionalized through structural repair of beneficiary institutions.
  • Through a business and association development program, strengthened key industries to help increase tourism by 49% and added 2,146 sustainable IT jobs.
  • Supported alternative dispute resolution practices in Armenia, resulting in an increase in the number of businessmen applying to the Arbitration Court.
  • Provided upgrades to Armenian law enforcement’s computer network thereby improving real-time communication among precincts in Yerevan and the regions.
  • Translated and published a book of the decisions issued by the European Court of Human Rights to promote compliance with international standards.
  • Trained approximately 50 Armenian prosecutors as part of trial advocacy seminars.

*Division J of the Fiscal Year (FY) 2008 Omnibus Appropriations Act: Department of State Foreign Operations and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 2008, including: FSA, CSH, NADR, IMET and FMF.

**Estimate from FY 2009 Congressional Budget Justification; Website: .

Foreign Operations Appropriated Assistance Est. FY 2008 by Objective. Text version also available.

USG Total Assistance 1992-2007: Total USG and FREEDOM Support Act, FSA, USD Millions. Text version also available.

Armenia: Est. FY 2008 USD Thousands

Total For. Ops. Accounts**


FREEDOM Support Act:


Foreign Military Financing (FMF):


Non-proliferation, Anti-terrorism, De-mining and Related Programs (NADR):


Child Survival and Health (CSH):


International Military Education and Training (IMET):


For More Information:

FSA Annual Report:

Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) Report:

U.S. Embassy:

Graph Explanations

Pie Chart: For estimated Fiscal Year 2008 to Armenia thirty-four percent of U.S. assistance went to the objective of Governing Justly and Democratically (GJD), seventeen to Investing in People (IIP), fourteen percent to Peace and Security (PS), thirty-two percent to Economic Growth (EG) and three percent to Humanitarian Assistance (HA)

The Line Graph covers U.S. assistance to Armenia from 1992-2007:

  • In Fiscal Year 1992 14.02 Million dollars in Freedom Support Act (FSA) assistance was given to Armenia and total United States Government (USG) assistance was 74.97 Million dollars
  • Fiscal Year 1993: FSA: 27.52 Million dollars; Total USG: 172.41 Million dollars
  • Fiscal Year 1994: FSA: 100.15 Million dollars; Total USG: 159.22 Million dollars
  • Fiscal Year 1995: FSA: 57.22 Million dollars; Total USG: 114.58 Million dollars
  • Fiscal Year 1996: FSA: 85.01 Million dollars; Total USG: 135.23 Million dollars
  • Fiscal Year 1997: FSA: 96.87 Million dollars; Total USG: 98.72 Million dollars
  • Fiscal Year 1998: FSA: 88.89 Million dollars; Total USG: 116.16 Million dollars
  • Fiscal Year 1999: FSA: 80.36 Million dollars; Total USG: 91.94 Million dollars
  • Fiscal Year 2000: FSA: 102.55 Million dollars; Total USG: 117.19 Million dollars
  • Fiscal Year 2001: FSA: 74.54 Million dollars; Total USG: 102.47 Million dollars
  • Fiscal Year 2002: FSA: 90.61 Million dollars; Total USG: 112.74 Million dollars
  • Fiscal Year 2003: FSA: 89.41 Million dollars; Total USG: 105.08 Million dollars
  • Fiscal Year 2004: FSA: 74.54 Million dollars; Total USG: 93.19 Million dollars
  • Fiscal Year 2005: FSA: 74.40 Million dollars; Total USG: 91.01 Million dollars
  • Fiscal Year 2006: FSA: 68.87 Million dollars; Total USG: 89.53 Million dollars
  • Fiscal Year 2007: FSA: 58.00 Million dollars; Total USG: 71.49 Million dollars

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