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Fact Sheet
Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs
Washington, DC
April 16, 2008

Foreign Operations Appropriated Assistance: Turkmenistan

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Flag of Turkmenistan is green field with a vertical red stripe near the hoist side, containing five tribal guls (designs used in producing carpets) stacked above two crossed olive branches; a white crescent moon and five white stars appear in the upper corner of the field just to the fly side of the red stripe.Foreign Operations Appropriated Assistance*
Fiscal Year (FY) 2007: $10.87 Million (M) ($9.35M FSA, $1.52M Other)
Estimate FY 2008: $7.19M ($5.46M FSA, $1.73M Other)**

Assistance Goals: Turkmenistan and the United States (U.S.) turned a new page in their bilateral relationship following the death of President Niyazov in December 2006. U.S. cooperative efforts seek to empower the people and the Government of Turkmenistan (GOT) to realize their stated goals of meeting international standards for democracy, security, and economic development.

Areas of Focus (Foreign Operations Appropriated Assistance):

Peace and Security (PS): FY 2007: $1.72M; Est. FY 2008: $1.62M

  • Strengthen border security and combat narcotics smuggling, human trafficking, financial crimes, and weapons proliferation;
  • Support law enforcement reforms to strengthen the rule of law;
  • Restructure, modernize, and reform Turkmenistan’s Armed Forces to promote NATO interoperability and participation in international peacekeeping missions.

Governing Justly and Democratically (GJD): FY 2007: $2.93M; Est. FY 2008: $2.25M

  • Provide greater public access to Turkmenistan’s laws and other legal information;
  • Strengthen assistance to victims of domestic violence and forced prostitution;
  • Provide training and small grants to civic organizations to improve organizational capacity and advocacy skills;
  • Establish the Institute for Democracy and Human Rights and explore programs to link with local governments;
  • Support increased Internet access, provide training for online publishing, and widen mainstream satellite television choices for Turkmen citizens;
  • Public diplomacy activities include: youth leadership programming, cultural exchanges, writing contests, and English language courses for teachers.

Investing in People (IIP): FY 2007: $4.22M; Est. FY 2008: $2.25M

  • Encourage educational exchanges for students to the U.S. and at regional institutions, such as the American University of Central Asia in Bishkek and the Kazakhstan Institute of Management, Economics, and Strategic Research;
  • Improve tuberculosis (TB) care by improving diagnosis and treatment protocols;
  • New CAPACITY HIV/AIDS prevention, awareness, and treatment program;
  • Work with the Ministry of Education to improve the educational system.

Economic Growth (EG): FY 2007: $1.55M; Est. FY 2008: $1.07M

  • Training and small grants for farmers and farm collectives to improve water usage and their ability to advocate for improved government services;
  • Support an ongoing program to train accountants on international standards;
  • Establish a regional market for electricity and improve electrical transmission.

Recent Successes:

  • Expanded modern TB diagnosis techniques to reach 90% of the country;
  • Sponsored visit of farmers and businesspersons to the U.S. to learn efficiency and productivity techniques;
  • Enabled community organizations and local authorities to jointly prioritize local needs and develop plans to meet them;
  • Installed a Human Patient Simulator at Turkmenistan’s main military hospital to improve the military’s medical training program.

*Division J of the Fiscal Year (FY) 2008 Omnibus Appropriations Act: Department of State Foreign Operations and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 2008, including: FSA, CSH, NADR, IMET and Foreign Military Financing (FMF).

**Estimate from FY 2009 Congressional Budget Justification; Website:

Pie chart depicting foreign operations appropriated assistance est. FY 2008 by objective. Text version also available.

Line graph depicting USG total assistance 1992-2007: Total USG and FREEDOM Support Act, FSA, USD Millions. Text version also available.

Turkmenistan: Est. FY 2008 USD Thousands

Total For. Ops. Accounts** $7,188

FREEDOM Support Act:


Non-proliferation, Anti-terrorism, De-mining and Related Programs (NADR):


Child Survival and Health (CSH):


International Military Education and Training (IMET):


For More Information:

FSA Annual Report:

U.S. Embassy:

Other State Department Links:

Graph Explanations:

Pie Chart: For estimated Fiscal Year 2008 thirty-one percent of U.S. assistance went to the objective of Investing in People (IIP), fifteen percent to Economic Growth (EG), twenty-three percent to Peace and Security (PS) and thirty-one percent to Governing Justly and Democratically (GJD).

The Line Graph covers U.S. assistance to Turkmenistan from 1992-2007:

  • In Fiscal Year 1992 0.48 Million dollars in Freedom Support Act (FSA) funds was given in assistance to Turkmenistan and total United States Government (USG) assistance was 14.74 Million dollars;
  • Fiscal Year 1993: FSA: 3.43 Million dollars; Total USG: 57.34 Million dollars;
  • Fiscal Year 1994: FSA: 11.35 Million dollars; Total USG: 22.50 Million dollars;
  • Fiscal Year 1995: FSA: 6.34 Million dollars; Total USG: 21.97 Million dollars;
  • Fiscal Year 1996: FSA: 3.75 Million dollars; Total USG: 25.35 Million dollars;
  • Fiscal Year 1997: FSA: 4.84 Million dollars; Total USG: 6.27 Million dollars;
  • Fiscal Year 1998: FSA: 6.74 Million dollars; Total USG: 9.00 Million dollars;
  • Fiscal Year 1999: FSA: 11.80 Million dollars; Total USG: 15.98 Million dollars;
  • Fiscal Year 2000: FSA: 6.20 Million dollars; Total USG: 10.90 Million dollars;
  • Fiscal Year 2001: FSA: 5.69 Million dollars; Total USG: 12.57 Million dollars;
  • Fiscal Year 2002: FSA: 12.04 Million dollars; Total USG: 18.93 Million dollars;
  • Fiscal Year 2003: FSA: 7.80 Million dollars; Total USG: 10.98 Million dollars;
  • Fiscal Year 2004: FSA: 5.69 Million dollars; Total USG: 10.42 Million dollars;
  • Fiscal Year 2005: FSA: 7.00 Million dollars; Total USG: 18.94 Million dollars;
  • Fiscal Year 2006: FSA: 4.94 Million dollars; Total USG: 10.44 Million dollars;
  • Fiscal Year 2007: FSA; 9.35 Million dollars; Total USG: 14.00 Million.

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