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Fact Sheet
Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs
Washington, DC
September 13, 2004

U.S. Assistance to Moldova - Fiscal Year 2004

U.S. assistance programs to Moldova focus on agricultural post-land privatization to exploit natural competitive advantage and on anti-corruption, law enforcement reform, and anti-trafficking in persons efforts. In addition, assistance programs support Moldova’s active membership in the regional structures of Southeast Europe, which will help lead to Moldova’s stated objective of European integration.

The estimated $30.29 million budgeted by all U.S. Government agencies for assistance programs in Moldova in fiscal year 2004 is allocated roughly as follows based on information available as of the date of this fact sheet:

Democracy Programs $4.30 million
Economic & Social Reform $19.51 million
Security & Law Enforcement $6.23 million
Humanitarian Assistance $0.25 million

Democracy programs in Moldova support local government reform, rule of law, and the development of civil society and political parties. U.S. training and technical assistance promotes government reform in 50 communities with the goal of increasing the autonomy and effectiveness of local government, encouraging fiscal decentralization, improving strategic planning, and generating greater transparency and citizen participation in decision-making.

Other programs increase civic action through small grants to community groups, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), regional media, and grassroots political parties. The rule of law program advocates civil rights and builds legal associations. Additionally, the Eurasia Foundation and the U.S. Embassy administer small grant-making programs to support indigenous NGOs in fostering civil society, private enterprise development, local government accountability, independent media, and other initiatives.

Training and exchange programs give the next generation of Moldovan leaders first-hand experience with the day-to-day functioning of a market-based, democratic system. Last year, the U.S. Government sent over 290 Moldovan citizens to the United States on academic and professional exchange programs. Since 1993, the U.S. has funded travel for over 2,950 Moldovan citizens to the United States on these programs in fields such as management, social service provision, and NGO development.

While market reform programs focus primarily on post-privatization agricultural sector development, the U.S. also supports commercial law, accounting, customs, fiscal, and banking reform. In addition, the U.S. offers training, assistance, credit, and consulting for business entrepreneurs in small and medium enterprises in the agricultural sector. The U.S. supports Moldova’s active participation in the Trade Working Group of the Stability Pact for Southeastern Europe and provides technical assistance to the Ministry of Finance to develop a primary and secondary market for debts. In addition, the Western NIS Enterprise Fund, which has been capitalized by the U.S. Government, is investing in Moldova’s largest local bank and sole microfinance institution, thereby increasing the availability of credit in the marketplace.

In FY04, there were approximately 100 Peace Corps Volunteers in Moldova, working to develop small- and medium-sized enterprises, health care, and education.

Security and law enforcement assistance focuses on combating corruption and border security, especially in the breakaway region of Transnistria. Export Control and Related Border Security Assistance activities help prevent the transnational movement of weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) and conventional threats. Foreign Military Finance and International Military Education and Training (IMET) funding helps develop, reform, and enhance Moldova's armed forces while giving its peacekeeping battalion the ability to operate alongside Western forces with common or interoperable equipment. This funding promotes the integration of Moldova into Euro-Atlantic security structures. In FY04, Moldova joined the Science and Technology Center in Ukraine, which provides a multilateral vehicle for U.S. agencies to collaborate with former weapons scientists under State Department funding.

Organized crime in the region presents a direct and growing threat to Moldovan prospects for economic and political stability and to U.S. national security interests. The Anti-Crime Training and Technical Assistance (ACTTA) program of the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs supports cooperative efforts between U.S. law enforcement agencies and Moldovan central and local government officials to combat organized crime, corruption, narcotics, and trafficking in persons. ACTTA projects include assistance to the Center for the Prevention of Trafficking in Women and the Moldovan Customs agency for border control improvements, work with Moldovan judges and prosecutors on the use of appropriate investigative and judicial procedures, and improvements in the Moldovan Code of Criminal Procedure.

In addition, the Moldovan Government has partnered with the United States Government on projects under President Bush’s $50 million initiative to combat trafficking in persons. U.S. support for the Trade and Transportation Facility in Southeast Europe, along with World Bank assistance, also enabled Moldovan Customs to begin implementation of the Asycuda system, which seeks to prevent the movement of contraband, increase customs revenue collections, and facilitate Moldova’s integration into the Southeast European market.

Current humanitarian programs for Moldova consist of the shipping, distribution, and monitoring of commodities through the State Department Humanitarian Transport Program. Medicines, pharmaceuticals, medical equipment and supplies, emergency shelter items, and food are the main commodities shipped and distributed to the most needy individuals, families, and institutions. The total value of U.S. humanitarian commodities for Moldova in FY04 is estimated to be in excess of $8 million. U.S. humanitarian programs are managed and coordinated through grants to private voluntary organizations.

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