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 You are in: Under Secretary for Political Affairs > Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs > Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs Releases > Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs Fact Sheets > 2004 
Fact Sheet
Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs
Washington, DC
August 17, 2004

U.S. Assistance to the Kyrgyz Republic - Fiscal Year 2004

The Kyrgyz Republic assistance program includes a broad range of macroeconomic reform and micro-finance projects, support for a lively civil society, progressive health and education reform programs, and security and law enforcement assistance to help the Kyrgyz defend their borders from the transit of weapons of mass destruction, illicit drugs, and persons of concern.

In Fiscal Year 2004, the estimated $50.8 million budgeted by all U.S. Government agencies for assistance programs in the Kyrgyz Republic is allocated roughly as follows based on information available as of the date of this fact sheet: 

Democracy Programs $12.2 million
Economic & Social Reform $21.8 million
Security & Law Enforcement $11.6 million
Humanitarian Assistance $4.0 million
Cross Sectoral Initiatives $1.2 million

Democracy programs in the Kyrgyz Republic focus on improving political processes and accountability of government institutions, strengthening civil society and public advocacy, and supporting independent media. In preparation for local, parliamentary, and presidential elections in 2004 and 2005, the U.S. Government is providing training and assistance to non-partisan political parties, advocacy groups, independent media, and independent monitors. These assistance programs train judges and lawyers, encourage citizen participation in local government decision-making, support non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and human rights advocates, promote civic education, advance efforts to end trafficking-in-persons, and facilitate the process of decentralization. Training and exchange programs seek to create a cadre of reform-minded, action-oriented citizens by reaching out to the next generation of leaders and giving them first-hand experience with the day-to-day functioning of a market-based, democratic system. Last year, the U.S. Government sent over 330 Kyrgyz citizens to the United States on a wide array of academic and professional exchange programs, adding to the total of 2700 Kyrgyz exchange participants since 1993.

Programs to strengthen social services target education, community development, and health-care. The education reform program seeks to improve teachers’ skills, update curricula, increase parent and community involvement in schools, strengthen the capacity of school administration, enhance academic honesty, and improve school infrastructure. For example, U.S. Government funding supported the creation of the only independent national scholarship test that awards state-funded university scholarships on merit. Additionally, conflict mitigation programs mobilize local communities to decrease tensions and improve social conditions through a participatory process. Small-scale infrastructure improvements include the rehabilitation of schools and irrigation canals. Health care assistance programs work with the World Bank and the Ministry of Health to improve access to equitable, efficient, and quality primary health care services. Infectious diseases programs are fighting tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS. Other programs promote health among youth, aim to improve mother and child health care, and work to reduce the demand for illicit drugs.

Market reform programs support projects in the areas of accounting, commercial law, customs modernization, and fiscal, banking, and land reform. The U.S. Government provides assistance, training, legal advice, and some financing to agribusiness, small and medium enterprises (SMEs), and microbusinesses. Other economic programs aim to reduce constraints to investment and promote better business education. A new water users’ association project will focus on increasing community participation in efficient water use, infrastructure repair, and maintenance programs. The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) also supports demonstration models of energy efficiency and pilot programs to help the utility sector increase revenues through improved energy metering and collection. Trans-boundary activities include training, increased policy dialogue, and the introduction of sustainable energy and water management models.

The U.S. Government is providing technical assistance, training, and equipment to reform law enforcement agencies and address narco-trafficking and terrorism concerns. The Anti-Crime Training and Technical Assistance (ACTTA) program has supported the creation of a new Kyrgyz Drug Control Agency by the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). This assistance has helped the Kyrgyz government begin to produce passports and other official documents that are less susceptible to counterfeiting and use by criminals and terrorists. Judicial and law enforcement reform projects provide training in investigative techniques and money laundering prevention.

Security programs seek to support the Kyrgyz Republic’s role in the Global War on Terror and Operation Enduring Freedom, improve interoperability with international forces, and increase Kyrgyz capabilities to patrol and secure its borders. Our Export Control and Related Border Security Assistance program works with Kyrgyz Republic officials to improve their prevention capabilities against weapons proliferation and other illicit trafficking. Foreign Military Financing (FMF) helps to properly equip rapid reaction forces in the border regions near Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. FMF also supports command, control and communications nodes for tactical and state-level capabilities. International Military Education and Training funds help provide English language training and facilitate greater professionalism and reform of the armed forces. The U.S. Government also provides nonproliferation assistance for the Kyrgyz Republic, including funding for joint research activities and support for the Civilian Research and Development Foundation. The U.S. Government funds science centers, bio-chem redirect, and bioindustry Initiative programs, and is working through the multilateral International Science and Technology Center in Moscow to engage scientists from the former Soviet Union in transparent, sustainable, and cooperative civilian research projects.

The Department of State (DOS) Humanitarian Transport Program ships and distributes humanitarian commodities to the most needy individuals, families, and institutions in the Kyrgyz Republic. The main commodities provided are medicines, pharmaceuticals, medical equipment and supplies, emergency shelter items, food, and clothing. The total value of this assistance is estimated to be in excess of $50 million in FY 2004. This includes a major humanitarian medical project that will distribute approximately $20 million in medicines, medical equipment and supplies to medical facilities throughout the Kyrgyz Republic.

In addition, 110 Peace Corps volunteers work in the areas of English education and sustainable economic and organizational development.

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