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Fact Sheet
Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs
Washington, DC
August 17, 2004

U.S. Assistance to Georgia - Fiscal Year 2004

Democratic reform has been a significant aspect of U.S. programs in Georgia in FY04, especially following the Rose Revolution, presidential elections, and re-run parliamentary elections. The immediate reforms initiated by the new government were instrumental in Georgia’s eligibility for the Millennium Challenge Account. Security assistance for the Georgia Train and Equip Program (GTEP) saw the graduation of the fourth and final battalion in May 2004, resulting in a Georgian military more interoperable and capable of protecting its borders.

In Fiscal Year 2004, the estimated $102.1 million budgeted by all U.S. Government agencies for assistance programs in Georgia is allocated roughly as follows based on information available as of the date of this fact sheet:

Democracy Programs $14.4 million
Economic & Social Reform $35.5 million
Security & Law Enforcement $38.5 million
Humanitarian Assistance $9.9 million
Cross Sectoral Initiatives $3.8 million

Democracy programs in Georgia are realizing positive results, especially surrounding November’s peaceful Rose Revolution. U.S.-funded domestic monitoring, voter education, media, and political party strengthening programs helped lay a foundation for the Georgians’ challenge of flawed elections. The more free and fair presidential and re-run parliamentary elections that followed also reflected the results of these democracy programs. U.S. assistance programs also help legal institutions enact and implement better laws and regulations in a transparent manner. Citizens are educated about their rights and encouraged to take actions to enhance government accountability and reduce corruption.

Support continues to Georgian non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to help them achieve financial sustainability, establish solid constituencies, and develop effective techniques to lobby on behalf of citizen interests. Media outlets receive training to improve journalistic techniques, management, and financial sustainability. The U.S. has increased its technical assistance to the new government while continuing to emphasize participatory and transparent dialogue between government and civil society. Small grant programs administered by the Eurasia Foundation and the U.S. Embassy in Tbilisi support indigenous NGOs that promote civil society, local government accountability, independent media, and other pro-democracy initiatives.

Training and exchange programs give the next generation of Georgian leaders first-hand experience with the day-to-day functioning of a market-based, democratic system. Last year, the U.S. Government sent approximately 350 Georgian citizens to the United States on academic and professional exchange programs. Since 1993, the U.S. has funded the travel of over 3,800 Georgian citizens to the United States on these programs in fields such as management, social service provision, and NGO development. Additionally, institutional support programs for the Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies and the Georgian Institute of Public Affairs help to create indigenous capacity to produce the next generation of Georgian leaders.

U.S.-funded market reform programs in Georgia improve the environment for business development and private investment through tax and debt reform, land privatization, banking supervision, access to credit for small and medium sized enterprises, and regulatory reform. U.S. assistance to Georgia’s crucial energy sector enables greater energy independence and security. The U.S. Government also provides technical assistance to the government's electricity regulators and distribution company, helping the latter to improve collections with an aim toward putting the energy companies on solid commercial footing. In Georgia’s agricultural industry, U.S. assistance programs support the development of market-driven production and the processing capability, which helps to enhance the competitiveness and production capacity of local firms.

U.S. security, law enforcement, and nonproliferation assistance aims to strengthen Georgian ability to protect its borders, reform its law enforcement and judicial sectors, fight narcotics trafficking, and assist in the Global War on Terror. U.S. security assistance is used to train and equip the Georgian Border Guard, Coast Guard, Customs Service and other security forces that maintain an active presence on Georgia's land and sea borders. Over the past several years, the U.S. has funded GTEP to create four light infantry battalions and a mechanized armor company team that have served the Global War on Terror in Georgia and abroad. GTEP will continue to be sustained through Foreign Military Financing and International Military Education and Training, further enhancing the Georgian military’s command and control capabilities and interoperability with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) forces. The U.S. will help Georgia transition to a civilian Minister of Defense and will support the restructuring of its security forces.

The U.S. continues to provide nonproliferation assistance to Georgia, including funding to secure biological pathogens and conduct joint research activities with biological and chemical scientists. The U.S. funds Science Centers, Bio-Chem Redirect, and BioIndustry Initiative programs, and is working through the multilateral International Science and Technology Center in Moscow and Science and Technology Center in Ukraine to engage scientists from Georgia in transparent, sustainable, and cooperative civilian research projects. The U.S. also provides nonproliferation assistance to the Civilian Research and Development Foundation.

U.S. law enforcement programs are now focusing on police reform, improvement in law enforcement capabilities, and support for legislation to fight money laundering and other crimes. The U.S. supports efforts to restructure the Ministry of Internal Affairs, establish a modern forensics laboratory, and improve Georgia’s law enforcement academies. U.S. Government assistance emphasizes the importance of anti-corruption efforts and reform of the procuracy and criminal law. Additionally, assistance to anti-trafficking programs, including prevention and prosecution, helps raise the profile and reduce the occurrence of trafficking in persons.

In 2004, the U.S. humanitarian program will ship and distribute humanitarian commodities valued at approximately $25 million to Georgia’s most needy. In addition, U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) will distribute food aid to vulnerable populations through the World Food Program's relief operations. The U.S. Department of Agriculture will provide 65,000 metric tons of wheat to the Georgian government and private volunteer organizations. The U.S. supports three medical outpatient clinics as well as Georgia’s national program for child immunization, primary health care, and disease prevention for HIV, tuberculosis, and sexually transmitted infections. In FY 2004, community development programs will assist over 500 community projects focusing on education, health, irrigation, drinking water, and road improvement. Educational programs impact over 7,000 young Georgians affected by ethnic conflict within Georgia. Humanitarian demining operations continue in and around the Abkhazia region of Georgia.

Additionally, Georgia hosts 50 Peace Corps volunteers working in English teaching at the secondary and university level, concentrating on teaching methodology.

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