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Fact Sheet
Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs
Washington, DC
August 17, 2004

U.S. Assistance to Kazakhstan - Fiscal Year 2004

The Kazakhstan assistance program has a strong focus on law enforcement in order to interdict narcotics trafficking and reform law enforcement and judicial agencies. Security programs support Kazakhstan as a partner in the war on terrorism and prevent the proliferation of nuclear materials. A market reform program emphasizes economic diversification and completion of housing finance to support the emergence of a middle class. Democracy programs help improve citizen participation and transparency.

In Fiscal Year 2004, the estimated $74.2 million budgeted by all U.S. Government agencies for assistance programs in Kazakhstan is allocated roughly as follows based on information available as of the date of this fact sheet:

Democracy Programs $10.6 million
Economic & Social Reform $21.5 million
Security & Law Enforcement $39.4 million
Humanitarian Assistance $0.3 million
Cross-Sectoral Initiatives $2.4 million

Democracy programs in Kazakhstan support efforts to strengthen civil society, foster human rights, improve political processes and government institutions, and encourage independent media and public advocacy. Focusing on upcoming elections in 2004 and 2005, U.S. Government assistance supports non-partisan political party development, independent election monitoring, and indigenous non-government organizations (NGOs) that provide voter education. U.S. Government assistance trains non-governmental media outlets to improve the quality of their products and build financial sustainability. In addition, media production funds offered to independent stations provide resources for Kazakh-language programming. Democracy assistance also supports human rights defenders and anti-trafficking in persons programs. The U.S. Government-funded judicial training center in Almaty trains judges on civil and criminal procedure, and legal education activities improve training for law students through moot courts and street law programs. Small grant programs provide indigenous NGOs with resources to promote civil society, human rights, private enterprise development, local government accountability, freedom of speech, independent media, and the advancement of democracy.

Training and exchange programs reach out to the next generation of Kazakhstani leaders and give them first-hand experience with the day-to-day functioning of a market-based, democratic system. Last year, the U.S. Government sent some 465 Kazakhstani citizens to the United States on a wide array of academic and professional exchange programs. Since 1993, the U.S. Government has funded the travel of over 4,550 Kazakhstani citizens to the United States through these programs.

Social sector development is advanced through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Community Action Investment Program (CAIP), which aims to empower citizens and encourage community development in southern Kazakhstan near the Uzbekistan border. CAIP mobilizes communities to solve local issues through involvement in small-scale infrastructure projects such as school and health clinic rehabilitation. Additionally, through USAID’s Quality Primary Health Care Program, select oblasts are making fundamental systemic changes by creating higher quality, patient-oriented, and cost-effective primary healthcare systems. The U.S. Government also provides training for doctors and nurses to improve the quality of primary health care as well as maternal and child health care. Infectious diseases programs are fighting tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS.

Market reform programs focus on diversifying Kazakhstan’s economy in poorer regions and strengthening the competitiveness of the private sector. The program supports trade and investment, an improved business climate, and micro-enterprise development. USAID programs also support WTO accession, mortgage industry development, and small and medium enterprise training and advisory services. Additionally, U.S. Government funds assist efforts to reform systems and procedures for customs, the fiscal and banking sector, pensions, land allocation, and accounting. In 2004 the innovative U.S.-Kazakhstan Business Development Partnershipcreated a new bilateral relationship whereby the Government of Kazakhstan will assume an increasing share of the cost of market reform projects. U.S. Government assistance improves natural resource management by facilitating regional cooperation on transboundary water issues. Energy sector programs focus on best environmental practices for oil and gas industries, and support for the reform of environmental regulations creates incentives for adherence to international standards.

With a shifting focus away from dismantlement activities, security assistance aims to secure civilian nuclear material, safeguard dangerous pathogens and expertise, and help Kazakhstan control its expansive borders and pipelines. The program to complete safeguards of plutonium waste from Kazakhstan’s breeder reactor at Aktau is nearly complete after more than six years and $80 million in U.S. funding. Our Export Control and Related Border Security Assistance (EXBS) program will also continue working with Kazakhstani officials to improve their prevention capabilities against weapons proliferation and other illicit trafficking. The U.S. Government, through the Department of State and Department of Defense, provides nonproliferation assistance for Kazakhstan to secure biological pathogens and conduct joint research and disease surveillance activities with biological and chemical scientists. The U.S. Government funds Science Centers, Bio-Chem Redirect, and BioIndustry Initiative programs, and works through the multilateral International Science and Technology Center in Moscow to engage scientists from the former Soviet Union in transparent, sustainable, and cooperative civilian research projects. The U.S. also provides nonproliferation assistance to the Civilian Research and Development Foundation. Foreign Military Financing and International Military Education & Training provide equipment for border security and interoperability with NATO forces in support of the Global War on Terrorism.

Law enforcement programs now provide assistance to combat money laundering, narcotics smuggling and trafficking in persons. Efforts to improve border security and reform law enforcement practices are also program priorities. In addition, U.S. Government assistance provides for training programs in Kazakhstani law enforcement and security agencies to improve counter-terrorist capabilities.

The Humanitarian Transport Program has shipped and distributed approximately $2 million in donated humanitarian commodities to the most needy segments of the population.

Additionally, 137 Peace Corps volunteers in Kazakhstan work in education and NGO development.

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