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Fact Sheet
Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs
Washington, DC
February 17, 2004

U.S. Assistance to Tajikistan - Fiscal Year 2003

The Tajikistan assistance program has shifted from primarily humanitarian assistance during the civil war to current efforts on democratic and market reform.

The $49 million budgeted by all U.S. Government agencies for assistance programs in Tajikistan in Fiscal Year 2003 is allocated roughly as follows:

Democracy Programs $ 7.3 million
Economic & Social Reform $14.3 million
Security & Law Enforcement $ 1.1 million
Humanitarian Assistance $21.8 million
Cross Sectoral Initiatives $ 4.5 million

Democracy programs in Tajikistan seek to improve political processes and government institutions, strengthen civil society and public advocacy, and support independent media. Specifically, assistance is used to train lawyers and judges, foster greater citizen participation and transparency in local government decision-making, and strengthen the work of the national legislature. Through civil society support centers indigenous non-governmental organizations (NGOs) receive training, grants, and technical assistance. Independent print and broadcast media outlets are trained in basic journalism techniques, production methods, management, legal issues, marketing, and advertising. A media production fund enables local stations to produce original programming. USG assistance also supports political party development, civic education, and anti-trafficking in persons programs. Small grants programs support the work of indigenous NGOs to promote civil society, human rights, private enterprise development, local government accountability, freedom of speech, independent media, and other initiatives to advance democracy in Tajikistan.

Training and exchange programs give the next generation of Tajik leaders first-hand experience with the day-to-day functioning of a market-based, democratic system. Last year, the U.S. Government sent approximately 100 Tajikistani citizens to the United States on academic and professional exchange programs in fields ranging from management to social service provision to NGO development. Since 1993, the U.S. Government has funded the travel of over 1,170 Tajikistani citizens to the U.S. on these programs. Increased funding this year for the Internet Access and Training program, which promotes free access to information, will be used to expand the existing network of four public access sites in three cities in Tajikistan.

In the area of social services, USG assistance is directed toward basic education, community development, and the health-care sector. Specifically, the basic-education strengthening program trains teachers in more interactive teaching methods, integrating critical thinking and learning skills into curricula and teaching materials and seek to better equip students with civic and labor force skills. Other program goals include increasing parent and community involvement in schools, strengthening the capacity of school administration, and improving school infrastructure.

The Quality Primary Health Care program works with the Ministry of Health to create a more cost-effective health care system to improve families' access to equitable, efficient, and quality primary health care services. The new family doctor system is based on the successful Kyrgyzstan model that focuses on improving the quality, incentives, and the budgetary resources for primary health care services. Infectious diseases programs focus on fighting tuberculosis, malaria, and HIV/AIDS. Other programs include nutritional surveillance and rehabilitation, improving maternal and child health, and preventing illicit drug use.

The Community Action Investment Program (CAIP) aims to mitigate sources of conflict in conflict-prone areas by mobilizing local communities to improve living conditions through small-scale, relatively labor-intensive infrastructure projects such as rehabilitating schools or irrigation canals. By the end of FY 2002 (the first year of the project), CAIP was active in 72 communities in Tajikistan.

Market reform programs focus on improving farming practices and agriculture, increase farmers' income, support farm privatization efforts and improvement in water management. The U.S. Agency for International Development's (USAID) small and medium-sized enterprise program provides training and technical assistance focusing on accounting, management, marketing, and tax issues, and development of professional associations. USAID supports a microfinance program that works to improve the legal and regulatory environment, as well as support local, legally registered microfinance institutions. USAID and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) support micro-credit programs for women. USAID also provides commercial law training to Tajik judges and attorneys, and provides support to the Government of Tajikistan on tax reform, banking sector reform, and WTO accession. The water management program is improving the tools, knowledge, and skills of water and energy specialists and policymakers so they can better manage these two critical resources. In addition, USAID is assisting the Ministry of Water Amelioration to rehabilitate priority irrigation water pumping stations and related infrastructure in southwest Tajikistan.

Security programs such as the Export Control and Related Border Security Assistance (EXBS) program enhance border control capabilities of the Customs and Border Guards for items such as uniforms, communications, and vehicles. The International Military Education and Training (IMET) program and the Foreign Military Financing (FMF) program help strengthen Tajikistan’s ability to interdict terrorists, weapons of mass destruction, and narcotics traffickers, and enhance interoperability with U.S. forces. Funds also purchase medical equipment, uniforms, and English language labs to promote interoperability. Anti-crime training and technical assistance includes further support for the two-year-old Drug Control Agency, co-funded by the United Nations Drug Control Program (UNDCP). Drug Control Agency personnel are now specially vetted, continually monitored, and paid salaries intended to protect against corruption. The agency coordinates all Government of Tajikistan efforts at drug interdiction, drug abuse, and treatment. The USG support also provides equipment and training to allow for proper collection and analysis of evidence in criminal cases, and expansion of law enforcement training curriculum to include material on human rights and combating trafficking in persons.

Humanitarian programs for Tajikistan include the provision of commodities through the Department of State Humanitarian Transport Program. The main commodities shipped are medicines, pharmaceuticals, medical supplies, clothing, food, and emergency shelter. Local private voluntary organizations distribute the commodities. The value of the Department of State humanitarian commodities and transportation provided to date in Fiscal Year 2003 exceeds $21 million. Both USDA and USAID have significant food aid programs in Tajikistan. In Fiscal Year 2002, these programs had a combined value of over $50 million. The total amount of food aid programmed thus far for Tajikistan in FY 2003 exceeds $19 million. The combined USDA Food for Progress Program, USDA Section 416(b) Program, and USAID Title II Program will provide over 32,000 metric tons of food aid this year. USAID programs include poverty alleviation in southern Tajikistan and an agriculture income generation project.

Peace Corps has received a formal letter of invitation from the government of Tajikistan and is considering the possibility of opening a program there.

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