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Fact Sheet
Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs
Washington, DC
April 11, 2008

Foreign Operations Appropriated Assistance: Serbia

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Flag of Serbia is three equal horizontal stripes of red - top - blue, and white; charged with the coat of arms of Serbia shifted slightly to the hoist side.Foreign Operations Appropriated Assistance*
Fiscal Year (FY) 2007: $61.33 Million (M) ($60M SEED, $1.33M Other)
Estimate FY 2008: $55.94M ($53.56M SEED, $2.37M Other)**

Assistance Goals: The United States Government (USG) has been engaged in assisting Serbia’s transition to a market-oriented democracy since 1997. USG assistance to Serbia creates opportunities for economic growth, strengthens institutional capacity of key government institutions, improves important aspects of civil society development and improves transparency through an improved adherence to the rule of law. The USG has also worked closely with the European Union, the World Bank and other bilateral donors to ensure banking supervision and reform in business development policies.

Areas of Focus (Foreign Operations Appropriated Assistance):

Peace and Security (PS): FY 2007: $2.88M; Est. FY 2008: $5.30M

  • Improve Serbia’s investigation and prosecution of war crimes;
  • Integrate Serbian law enforcement institutions into Euro-Atlantic institutions;
  • Improve investigation techniques to combat money laundering.

Governing Justly and Democratically (GJD): FY 2007: $19.48M; Est. FY 2008: $18.77M

  • Build NGOs’ capacity to influence public policy and advocate for reform;
  • Build the capacity of the Serbian courts and prosecutors to effectively investigate, prosecute and adjudicate organized crime and war crimes;
  • Strengthen the capacity of minority and young political leaders to contribute to law- and policy-making;
  • Improve the quality of news reporting in Serbia and strengthen the financial, management and production capacity of independent and minority broadcast.

Investing in People (IIP): FY 2007: 0; Est. FY 2008: $0.2 0M

  • Build the capacity of the Serbian educational system to teach English and enhance the ability of Serbian students to study in the U.S.

Economic Growth (EG): FY 2007: $35.56M; Est. FY 2008: $31.67M

  • Improve the overall investment climate through support for a strong macroeconomic policy and legal framework with a sound financial sector;
  • Address complex agricultural policy and infrastructure issues that help the country increase its agricultural production;
  • Support enterprise development in order to expand economic opportunities, especially in vulnerable areas in southern Serbia.

Recent Successes:

  • Improved regional cooperation and prosecution in war crimes cases, including the establishment of a joint investigative team of Serbian and Bosnian judges;
  • USG activities in judicial reform contributed to the goal of improving efficiency, independence and accountability of the Serbian justice system;
  • Increased numbers of high-level corruption and financial crime cases by enacting more effective strategies in investigating these cases;
  •  Significant reductions in the number of state-owned enterprises awaiting privatization. As a result, a large percentage of state-owned enterprises were consequently shifted to the private economy, contributing substantially to Serbia's move to the next country category with respect to EU integration and sustaining partner status

Pie chart depicting foreign operations appropriated assistance est. FY 2008 by objective. Text version also available.

Bar graph depicting USG total assistance 1998-2007. Other USG and Support for Eastern European Democracy Act, SEED, USD Millions. Text version also available.

Serbia: Est. FY 2008 USD Thousands

Total For. Ops. Accounts** $55,935

Assistance for Eastern Europe and Baltic States:


Non-proliferation, Anti-terrorism, De-mining and Related Programs (NADR):


International Military Education and Training (IMET):


For More Information:

SEED Annual Report:

U.S. Embassy:

Country Profile

Graph Explanations

Pie Chart: For estimated Fiscal Year 2008 fifty-six and three-fifths percent of U.S. assistance went to the objective of Governing Economic Growth (EG), nine and a half percent went to Peace and Security (PS), thirty-three and a half percent went to Peace and Security (PS), and two-fifths percent went to Investing in People.

The Line Graph covers U.S. assistance to Serbia from 1998-2007:

  • In Fiscal Year 1998: 7.33 Million dollars in Support for Eastern European Democracies (SEED) assistance was given to Serbia; and 5.00 Million dollars in other United States Government (USG) assistance was given;
  • Fiscal Year 1999: SEED: 7.33 Million dollars; other USG: 15.00 Million dollars;
  • Fiscal Year 2000: SEED: 25.00 Million dollars; other USG: 0 dollars;
  • Fiscal Year 2001: SEED: 98.97 Million dollars; other USG: 0.81 Million dollars;
  • Fiscal Year 2002: SEED: 104.85 Million dollars; other USG: 0 dollars;
  • Fiscal Year 2003: SEED: 110.00 Million dollars; other USG: 0.72 Million dollars;
  • Fiscal Year 2004: SEED: 98.97 Million dollars; other USG: 5.03 Million dollars;
  • Fiscal Year 2005: SEED: 73.45 Million dollars; other USG: 0.60 Million dollars;
  • Fiscal Year 2006: SEED: 65.33 Million dollars; other USG: 9.72 Million dollars;
  • Fiscal Year 2007: SEED; 61.33 Million dollars; other USG: 4.69 Million dollars.

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