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Source: American Medical Directors Association (AMDA). Depression. Columbia (MD): American Medical Directors Association (AMDA); 2003. 36 p. Depression Recognition Does the patient have a history of depression or a positive depression screening test? Document findings Does the patient have signs or symptoms of depression? Does the patient have risk factors for depression? Monitor periodically for development of signs and symptoms of depression Has the patient had a persistently depressed mood or loss of interest or pleasure? Assessment The patient may have clinical depression Diagnosis may require additional validation Is it appropriate to perform a medical work-up for factors contributing to signs and symptoms of possible depression? Perform a pertinent workup Is the patient taking medications that might cause or contribute to depression? Adjust or stop problematic medications, or indicate clearly why this is not feasible Does the patient have one or more conditions that may increase the likelihood of depression or that may cause depressive symptoms? Identify and manage those conditions, where possible Do the patient's signs and symptoms resolve with treatment of comorbid condition(s)? Consider whether additional treatment of depression is needed Clarify the diagnosis Does the situation warrant additional psychiatric support? Obtain consultative support as indicated Does the patient's depression exhibit complications that may pose a risk to the patient or to others? Address complications Implement appropriate treatment for the patient's depression Treatment Monitor the patient's response to treatment for depression Monitoring All copyrights are reserved by the American Medical Directors Association.