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 You are in: Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice > Travels With the Secretary > 2005 

Travel to Europe

May 6, 2005 to May 10, 2005

  Travels With
  Secretary of State
  Condoleezza Rice

      Picture of Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice      


President Bush and Latvian President Vike-Freiberga stand holding wreaths as two soldiers walk by saluting at Freedom Monument ceremony, Riga, Latvia, May 7, 2005. White House/Paul Morse.

Secretary Rice accompanied President Bush to Latvia, the Netherlands, Russia and Georgia from May 6-10 to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the end of World War II. The President honored the shared sacrifice of millions of Americans and Europeans to defeat tyranny, and mark the growth of democracy throughout the continent. Building on the President's February visit to Europe, this trip underscored the common commitment of the United States and our European allies and partners to work together to advance freedom, prosperity, and tolerance in Europe, its neighborhood, and beyond.

In Riga, Latvia, President Bush met the Presidents of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania in addition to a bilateral program. In the Netherlands, the President held bilateral meetings and commemorated Victory in Europe Day at the Netherlands American Cemetery and Memorial at Margraten near Maastricht. President Bush next traveled to Moscow, Russia to participate in the World War II commemoration ceremony and to meet President Putin. The President concluded his trip with a visit to Tbilisi, Georgia to underscore his support for democracy, historic reform, and peaceful conflict resolution. [Photos]

During her travel to Russia with the President, Secretary Rice and members of the Quartet for Middle East Peace held a press conference. Remarks by Secretary Rice
2005/05/10: Interview on Imedi TV with Revaz Sakevarishvili
2005/05/09: Remarks after Quartet Meeting
2005/05/09: Interview on CNN with John King
2005/05/08: Press Gaggle Aboard Air Force One
2005/05/08: Remarks with Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov

Remarks by President Bush
2005/05/10: Remarks in Tbilisi, Georgia
2005/05/10: Remarks with President Saakashvili in Roundtable with Civil Society Leaders
2005/05/10: Remarks with President Saakashvili of Georgia in a Joint Press Availability
2005/05/09: Statement on United States and Russian Cooperation
2005/05/08: President Welcomed to Russia by President Vladimir Putin
2005/05/08: Remarks at the Netherlands American Cemetery and Memorial
2005/05/08: Remarks at Beginning of Youth Roundtable
2005/05/07: President Discusses Freedom and Democracy in Latvia
2005/05/07: President's Radio Address on Trip to Europe
2005/05/07: Remarks With Presidents of Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania
2005/05/07: President Presented the Order of Three Stars, First-Class in Latvia
2005/05/07: President Welcomed by President Vike-Freiberga to Latvia

Other Releases
2005/05/09: Quartet Statement

Other Remarks
2005/05/04: National Security Advisor Stephen Hadley Previews the President's Trip

Related Information
White House Site

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