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 You are in: Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice > Former Secretaries of State > Former Secretary of State Colin L. Powell > Travels > 2003 

Travel to Belgium and United Kingdom

November 17, 2003 to November 21, 2003

  Travels With
  Secretary of State
  Colin L. Powell

   Picture of Secretary of State Colin Powell   


Secretary Powell traveled to Brussels, Belgium and London, United Kingdom from November 17-21. On November 18 in Brussels, he participated in the U.S. -European Union Ministerial. This included an informal luncheon meeting with counterparts from the European Union and countries that will join the European Union in May 2004, as well as the traditional Ministerial meeting with the EU “Troika” of Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini, EU Commissioner for External Relations Chris Patten, and EU High Representative for Security and Foreign Policy Javier Solana.


Secretary Powell then traveled to London to join President Bush for his State Visit to the United Kingdom.

Remarks by Secretary Powell
11/20/2003: Bombings in Istanbul
11/19/2003: Interview on BBC Ten O’Clock News
11/18/2003: Interview with Laurent Zecchini of Le Monde
11/18/2003: Remarks to the Press En Route London, England
11/18/2003: Remarks to the Press With Foreign Minister Frattini, High Representative Solana, and Commissioner Patten
11/18/2003: Interview with Christian Malar of France TV3
11/18/2003: Remarks Honoring 50 Years of U.S. – European Union Cooperation
: Interview on CNN's American Morning with Bill Hemmer
11/17/2003: Remarks after Bilateral Meeting with German Foreign Minister Fischer

Remarks by President Bush
11/21/2003: President Bush Wraps up State Visit to United Kingdom
11/21/2003: President Condemns Terrorist Attacks in Turkey

11/20/2003: President Bush, Prime Minister Blair Hold Joint Press Conference
11/20/2003: Remarks by the First Lady in Q & A with the Press
11/19/2003: Interview of the President by Al-Sharq Al-Awsat
11/19/2003: President, Queen Exchange Toasts at Buckingham Palace
11/19/2003: President Bush Discusses Iraq Policy at Whitehall Palace in London
11/14/2003: Interview of the President by Trevor Kavanagh of "the Sun"
11/12/2003: Interview of the President by Sir David Frost of BBCTV
11/12/2003: Interview of the President by British Print Journalists

Statements by President Bush and Prime Minister Blair
11/20/2003: Effective Multilateralism to Build a Better World

11/20/2003: U.S./U.K. Declaration on Iraq

Other Remarks
11/18/2003: Press Briefing by a Senior Administration Official Aboard Air Force One En Route London, England
11/13/2003: Dr. Rice Briefs on the President's Trip to the UK

Related Information
European Union

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